Chapter 8: The Goddess's True Colors

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"Why... Why can't I make it right?" -sigh-

Naruto sigh and mumbled. He was sitting while resting his head on the edge of the table.

He roughly remembered how to make the noodles, and even knew most of the ingredients. Heck, miso soup was reasonably common in this world. Yet, Naruto just couldn't quite get it.

So far, Naruto was able to make a decent miso soup now, and his noodles were getting there. But whenever he tried to put it all together with vegetables and meat, the flavors were always wrong!

"You'll get it next time for sure! I just know it!"

Wiz said sportingly before getting back to tearing through her third bowl of Naruto's 'failure' ramen with great haste.

"But I don't think this is bad at all; Naruto-San is quite talented! More please!"

"Thanks, Wiz... Here you go."

Naruto said and pushed over the fourth and final bowl over to her without looking. He ended up making quite a bit of ramen that morning and decided to bring the extras to the store for Wiz who was back from her trip. So, they closed the store for a lunch break.

"You sure were hungry... It's like you haven't eaten solid food since you left."

Wiz flinched.

"Y-yes... It was quite a long carriage ride, and I forgot to bring snacks. How careless of me!"

Naruto looked up and narrowed his eyes on the gluttonous girl who suspiciously slowed down.

"I thought you said you couldn't get to that village you went to on a carriage? Don't tell me... Have you not eaten anything since you left?"

Wiz gulped her food down hard before sighing.

"Naruto-San saw right through me, huh... Because the business isn't doing too well, I've been cutting back on things to save money. I've been skipping out on one or ten meals a week..."

Naruto frowned.

'So Wiz's financial situation was that bad, he'd have to think of some ideas fast-'

"Wait, did you say ten!? Wiz, you can't seriously have been starving yourself, have you!?"

Wiz frantically waved her hands dismissively.

"I-it's not a big deal! Honestly! Because I'm a Lich, I won't die even if I starve! Though, I would eventually lose all my flesh..."

That last part unnerved Naruto as he imagined the woman in front of him as a skeleton, but he quickly dismissed the thought and returned to the matter at hand.

"But you still feel hunger, right? The feeling of being hungry all the time... I can't let the kind and honest to a fault Wiz feel like that! Besides, if Wiz's body withers away and turns into a skeleton, how else are we going to attract customers to the store?"

"I appreciate your concern, but are you complimenting or insulting me!?"

Wiz asked with teary eyes.

Naruto laughed at the girl's expression, then stood up and gathered the empty bowls on the table. It was then an idea came to him.

"I know! I'll just bring you ramen for lunch or dinner like I did today-Dattebayo!"

Wiz stood up after the blonde made such a generous offer.

"Eh? I can't possibly trouble Naruto-San to do that! You helping me out at the store for free is already too much..."

Naruto X Konosuba - A Ninja Takes On This Wonderful World!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang