Chapter 15: A Toad Sage(?) Appears

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"Ero... Senin?"

Naruto said softly as he stared up at the man that was all too familiar to him.

Jiraiya the Gallant. The great toad sage of Konoha, one of the legendary Sanin. Mentor of Minato Namikaze, Nagato, and then Naruto himself.

They had gone on a three-year training trip to hone his basic skills, making many memories along the way. Good and bad.

Naruto had been devastated when Jiraiya died, and his resolve grew as a result. But in the end, he had died as well.


Naruto began to say, but his words died in his throat.

He died. Naruto died and couldn't keep his promise to Jiraiya of living out his dream of creating a world where everyone could understand one another. What would Jiraiya say after learning about this? Surely, he would be disappointed.

Naruto was brought out of his thoughts when the crowd began to mutter amongst themselves.

"Uahhh... Look at that guy. Just seeing Ero-Senin brought him to tears?"

"Does he like Ero-Senin's books that much? I love them too, but to cry over it is a little..."

"Hey, that's Naruto Uzumaki the delinquent boss and one of the Panty and Bra Thief Brothers."

Hearing that last comment, Naruto sprung up and pointed at the crowd heatedly.

"Alright, who said that!? I'm not a delinquent or an underwear thief damn it!"

Naruto raged while glaring at all the men in the crowd who were all holding a copy of Icha Icha Paradise. They dared call him a pervert when they were holding porn in their hands in the middle of town, and why were they calling Jiraiya Ero-Senin as well!?


'Ero-Senin' bellowed with laughter, catching everyone's attention.

Naruto couldn't help but smile. God, he had missed that obnoxiously loud laugh.

After he gained control of himself, Jiraiya grinned widely.

"So, you finally came around and saw the true genius of my novels? So much in fact, that death itself couldn't stop you from getting my new book? Here, I'll sign one for you! Buahaha!"

"Wha-No! I didn't come here for one of your stupid books you perverted geezer!"

Naruto shouted and slapped the book Jiraiya held out to him to the floor, and people in the crowd immediately pounced on the thing to fight for its possession.

"Grrrr... I see you haven't changed a bit since I last saw you, you little brat. You're still just a kid who can't appreciate true art!"

Jiraiya growled, but was rather pleased to see the people fighting over his signed novel on the floor.

"Art? Who calls porn art? A pervert, that's who!"

"Guh...! W-who are you calling a pervert in the middle of town!?"

"The one who calls himself a 'Super Pervert' to children! I'm beginning to think if I should have called the police instead of coming over here..."

Naruto said and crossed his arms while looking away in a huff, and Jiraiya choked on his spit when the woman across the street began to look at him with cold eyes.

"Sh-shut you stupid brat! I-Is that any way to talk to someone you haven't seen for so long!?"

"I wouldn't be saying these things if you hadn't ruined the moment with that stupid book of yours!"

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