Chapter 16: Before the Departure

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"Wiz! Speak to me!"

"The... The light... It's so bright..."

"Don't go to the light! You're just hungry!"

Naruto was holding Wiz in his arms as they did their little drama.

Jiraiya watched the scene with a twitching eyebrow. How did Naruto, THAT Naruto, meet such a curvy beauty? The brat was even holding said beauty in his arms!

'No wonder the kid tried to outrun me when he suddenly took off, he must not have wanted me to come here... But the question is, why?'

The older sage thought while rubbing his chin in thought before his eyes widened.

Could it be-

After Naruto helped Wiz to the table, he sighed. He had been so engrossed with his catching up with Jiraiya, if one could even call that catching up, he had forgotten about Wiz's lunch.

'The ramen I made was ruined, but hopefully that clone I made was able to make some more and...'

Naruto's thoughts trailed off as he noticed the look on Jiraiya's face. The man was grinning madly and looked as though he would burst any moment.

'Oh crap, he followed me here. I wasn't able to outrun him...'

The blonde thought while starting to sweat bullets. He had taken off without saying a word to his old master, so of course Jiraiya would follow him.

"So hungry..."

Wiz said while panting heavily, gaining the attention to the two boys. Her breathing was ragged, and she was reaching towards Naruto with a glazed look on her face.

"Give it to me... Naruto-San's... I can no longer live without it!"

"W-Wiz!? D-Don't say things that'll make Ero-Senin misunderstand!"

Naruto stuttered and looked back at Jiraiya to see the man was already scribbling into his notebook, with steam coming out of his nostrils.

"Stop writing you pervy old man!"

Naruto shouted and lunged towards Jiraiya to grab him, but the man nimbly dodged to the grapple and the teen ran into a Shadow Clone who only just walked into the store with a bowl of ramen in his hands.


The clone popped out of existence, and the ramen began to fall. But luckily Naruto was able to recover fast enough to catch the bowl at the last second before it hit the floor.

Ignoring the perverted giggles coming from the ceiling, Naruto quickly ran over to Wiz and placed the bowl of ramen in front of her.


Naruto said while panting profoundly.

When the aroma of the broth his Wiz's nose, she snatched the chopsticks Naruto placed on the table before she began to dig into the bowl of noodles with gusto.

Naruto sighed in relief as Wiz began to calm down and finished the bowl normally.

Ramen Withdrawal Symptoms.

This was the term Naruto used when Wiz had begun to act strangely whenever she didn't get her daily bowl of ramen. He had forgotten to make ramen for her one day, and had brought some products from a food stall in town. This happened for a couple days and on the third day, Wiz had not only refused the snacks, but the normally calm and peaceful girl had all but tackled him and begged him to make her ramen.

After drinking the broth, Wiz placed the bowl down onto the table and let out a relieved sigh. She then blinked when she noticed Jiraiya standing on the ceiling.

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