Chapter 32: We're Already Friends, Right?

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Kazuma stared blankly into the glass in front of him.

'I knew Naruto was probably overpowered, he received a cheat from the gods after all, but to think he was that powerful... It's just so unfair.'

Kazuma thought before glancing at the little girl sitting next to him, her crimson eyes void of their usual glow. Much like him, the mage had yet to utter a word since their return to the guild.

But that was to be expected, after what they had just witnessed.

Not only did Naruto show that he was capable of using Explosion magic twice without collapsing, but then the guy conjured up a golden fox avatar and launched destroyed what was left of the old castle.

Actually, forget the castle. The entire mountain had been blown away for crying out loud!

Kazuma looked at the man responsible for his and Megumin's current moods, and how he was drinking a glass of neroid juice without a care in the world. When the blonde teenager noticed the look he was receiving, Naruto merely grinned a cheeky grin before asking a nearby waitress to bring him more of his favorite beverage.

A thought suddenly occurred to the former shut-in. Despite clearly showing superior firepower in their competition, Naruto decided that Megumin was still the victor, claiming that his technique wasn't Explosion magic and therefore didn't count for their contest to which Megumin happily agreed to.

But something seemed off to Kazuma as he had always thought the ninja(self-proclaimed) came off as a competitive person, due to his constant squabbles with Aqua and Megumin. He didn't think Naruto was the type to let the little girl win so easily.

So why-

"Today's explosion was something else!"

"Yeah, I heard from some guys that were on their way back saw an entire mountain disappear!"

"It must have been that Explosion Girl!"

"You think so? Explosion magic is powerful, but an entire mountain is a little..."

A pair of rowdy adventurers could be heard from across the room, and upon hearing the rumors Kazuma's eyes widened in realization. His gaze shot back to Naruto just in time to see a dark grin on the boy's face.

"Those rumors are true! I bore witness to Axel's famous Explosion user blow away the mountain where a Demon King General once lived!"

Naruto stood up and shouted for all the guild to hear.

"So the rumors were true then! As expected of a Crimson Magic Clansman!"

"I knew it was our very own Explosion Girl!"

"Right? Who else even knows Explosion magic in this town anyways?"

Kazuma balked as the adventurers began to crowd up around their table and start praising the Crimson Magic Clansman.

"-sn't me..."

Megumin muttered in a low voice, causing the adventurers to lean in closer so they could hear her.

"What're ya shy about yer own achievements?"

"No need for that here! Hahaha!"

The crowd continued to shower the little girl with praise to the point where she began to shake.

But the final blow came from Naruto when he put a hand on the girl's shoulder and whispered into her ear.

"Come on, Megumin. You don't want to disappoint all these people, do you? A Crimson Magic Clansman never backs down, right?"

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