Chapter 52: Time For the Fool to Lead this Party

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After interrogating the two goons, which was quite easy as soon as they saw Naruto's face, they discovered that the temporary member that Dust's old party had hired was, in fact, a mole that was feeding out information on Lynn's whereabouts in preparation to kidnap her.

Why were they trying to kidnap her? Well...

"I can't believe these guys want to kidnap Lynn because her face makes her look like a child... This town is full of weirdos."

Naruto muttered as he and Dust walked out of the alleyway. They also received the time and place that the goons were going to meet with their boss, so all they had to do was go there and catch them in the act.

"You're one to talk, Boss. Your harem includes not one, but three lolitas. Not that I disapprove or anything, it's just that lolis aren't my thing. I prefer my woman mature with a sizable bust. Ah, except Yunyun. She's still just a brat."

Dust casually said before adding that last part bitterly.

"First off, I don't have a harem. Secondly, apologize to Yunyun next time we see her. She already doesn't like you and saying stuff like that behind her back will only make things worse."

The shinobi annoyed, but the only response from the delinquent adventurer was a shrug.

"Say what you want Boss, but we both know that what I said is true. Anyways, about our plan to save Lynn and the others. They should be coming back from the job that they accepted this morning, so we should probably get to that meeting spot soon. Anyways, I was thinking that when we confront those goons, there's probably going to be a lot of them. So while you're taking care of the masses, I'll swoop in at the best part and-"

"I don't want though."

Naruto suddenly interjected, causing Dust to falter in his steps.

"What!? Why not!?"

"Because you never do anything! After watching you disarm those two thugs back there, I realized that you actually have some skill. Since I got permission to do harder quests from Luna-Chan, I want to see what you're really capable of. I'll come along since Lynn might be in danger, but you'll be making all the calls and doing most of the fighting."

Naruto explained while firmly nodding his head.

Dust's face paled, but he knew better than to argue. The shinobi looked like his decision was final, and that talking back would be pointless.

But if Naruto was only going to spectate, then this really put Dust in a bind. He was more or less planning on letting Naruto do all the fighting.

'Guess I have no choice but to recruit some help... Oh!'

Dust thought before pounding his fist into his hand.

"I always see Yunyun at the adventurer's guild playing games by herself. She'll probably agree to help if I tell her that she's the only person that I can count on. Of course, I won't really mean it."

"You have a terrible personality, you know that?"

Naruto commented with a sweatdrop. If he always saw Yunyun by herself, why didn't he at least say hi to her? No, the better question was why Naruto kept this troublesome person in his party.

'Because you wanted to change this fool. I think we both know how that's going to turn out.'

'I changed you. Even if it was only a little bit, I think that counts for something.'


When Kurama failed to respond, Naruto victoriously smirked before noting they were nearing the adventurer's guild.

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