Chapter 12: The Dense Ninja of Axel

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"So that's what the fuss was about yesterday! The cabbage harvesting quest, huh? Brings back memories..."

Wiz said fondly as she thought back on her adventuring days.

It was just past noon and Wiz was sitting at the table drinking tea, having eaten the meal Naruto had brought her while the blonde swept the store. Right after noon was usually their slowest hour, so they took the time off for a lunch/sweeping break.

"Yup. I wasn't able to catch as many as I wanted to for various reasons... But I managed to keep enough to make a decent sum. Wiz is an adventurer too, right? Why didn't you come out and catch a few cabbages?"

Naruto asked as he swept the dirt he had collected outside the front door.

"Retired adventurer."

Wiz corrected and took a sip of her tea, a blissful expression on her face. She didn't know if it was because she had been starving herself, but Wiz was beginning to get addicted to the ramen Naruto made. It was becoming the one of the things she looked forward to the most every day.

"Retired... But Wiz is a lich now, and a lich is super powerful right? You could use that power to help people and fight the demon king-Dattebayo! Not to mention you would make a lot more money that way..."

Naruto said, throwing his hands into the air to emphasize his statement.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that last part. But there is a very good reason why I retired as an adventurer..."

Wiz said, but seemed hesitant to continue.

Naruto noticed this, but he decided not to press. Wiz had her reasons, and Naruto would respect that and wait for her to open up to him. After all, they had only known each other for a short amount of time.

"Well, I think I'm gonna head out to the adventurer's guild. Maybe they're giving out the rewards for the cabbage hunt today!"

Naruto said and took off his cleaner's apron, then placed it and the broom in the corner of the store. The guild staff had said it would take a couple days to gather the reward money for all the adventurers due to the large reward sums.

"Ah! I'll show you out! I'm going to be closing the store early today, so you don't have to stop by tonight."

Wiz said and rushed to the entrance of the store, opening it for her friend/coworker.

"Okay, I'll see ya tomorrow Wiz!"

Naruto said with a foxlike grin before he left the store.

"Bye Naruto-San, and thank you again for the meal!"

Wiz called out and bowed low, prompting the teen blush and quickly tell her to stop when the people outside started whispering amongst themselves.

When Naruto took off running, Wiz giggled to herself and switched the store's sign to open before walking back inside.

"I'll tell him tomorrow for sure!"

Wiz said with a determined expression, but that determination quickly faded.

Naruto was an adventurer who was adamant on defeating the demon king. What would he say if she told him she was a general of the demon king's army?

Would he hate her? Would he turn her in?

Wiz shook her head.

"No! Naruto-San isn't that kind of person! He'll understand for sure!"


"I hope..."
Naruto walked down the streets of Axel with his arms rested behind his head. After that scene with Wiz in the front of the store, he had accidently run off in the opposite direction of the guild.

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