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"Hi, is this seat taken ?" I stare at her for a bit, admiring her brown eyes, how her glasses sit on her button nose. Her fidgety arms as she rubs her blazer

"No its not you can sit" I say and turn back to my phone. Mrs Klass says something about a book and the girl besides me shouts 'what' I think she shook herself more than she shook us.

Turns out, she's already read Romeo and Juliet whereas we've read MacBeth already so this is a win loose type of situation. My phone vibrates again and I ignore it. Names are called, books are taken and I find out Miss Screamer here is also a Pearl! She's a dark pearl if you ask me, beautiful and unique.

Class goes by well and soon enough it's break. Everybody rushed to the cafeteria because well it's got good food and news travels fast in this school.

"Man come on we gotta get to our table can't wait to hear the gossip about the drummies"

"Nyan Alec (really Alec)"

"Yes Ntando unlike you I love drama and it is my middle name after all"

"Argh" Jason comes along and he's still pissed. Yikes

"What pissed in your pot man" Nelson asked with a chuckle

"Nothing" he said pushing past us. We followed behind him teasing him until we got to the cafeteria. Still teasing him we sat at the table and the girls joined in. Our table is the center table surrounded by all the other tables.

Break was awesome as usual. But after break Siya and Ayanda wanted to talk so we were the last ones to leave. I didn't mind being late because I had a free period. I was walking around the halls when I saw a puff of hair running down the halls.

I followed the puff of hair to the broken down building. Curiosity got the best of me. I took my glasses off because 1 they are dark and the building is also dark and 2 nobody will see my eyes in the dark.

I continued walking, being led by the screaming but then it stopped and crying is what I could now hear. I walked further more until I could smell her then I blindly searched with my hands until I felt hair so I traced it down to a shoulder.

As soon as my hand made contact with her (I'm guessing) she flipped me over. Ya know for a person who was wailing a few seconds ago she sure is strong. "Damn it, you hear someone screaming for help, try to help them and end up on the ground with possible bone fractures. Well done Ntando."


"Yeah, why'd you run into this building sisi uyayazi uba yavalwa" I say standing up. "Why was it shut down?" She asks

I ignored her question and tried finding my way out of this building. I put my glasses on before leaving. Iturned to her and asked which class she's going to and she said Mr Hergelat and I was surprised to find her still standing here because Hergelat is a mean no nonsense teacher.

I got her to class all while trying to convince her on not hoping but she was head strong on going. Anyway after my failed attempts at convincing her I gave up and let her enter the pits of hell. I walked around the school until my free period was over.

After school came by and I was headed to the rugby field I wanted to leave early so that maybe I meet up with Yandise-okuhle and ask her for her numbers. As I was headed to the field via the main block I met the squad and we all walked toward the field.

"Woah guys I forgot my uniform in my car, wait for mW here and I'll be back quick." Nelson said "sure Nelly"

"Haai marn Buhle"

"Hahaha gamba marn"

"So guys plans this weekend?" Alec asked as Nelson rushed off

"Well my plan is to get my nails done"

"No one asked you barbie" Alec replied to Buhle

"Well Eli and I were planning on going to the liabrary, re!e!Ber on weekends I help and since Eli and David broke up, she is available and lonely"

"Hai! I'm not lonely. And, I volunteered to help at the library because you wouldn't stop whining about all you have to do there so yeah" Elicia says

"Ey no need to be edgy boo thang. Must be from not getting any. Salt is killing you Lala" Amanda says


"Uhm so you guys have plans I see- wait hold on ndiyabuya"  I walked towards the familiar puff of hair "Hey"

"Oh h-hi" her stutter is the cutest thing I've ever heard

"How'd it go with Mr H?" I ask her concerned

"I hate him"

"Your not the only one." I got nervous all of a sudden. "Hey uh you wanna hang with us?" I ask her pointing towards where I hoped my friends were with my eyes. Before she answers a voice behind me comes up.

"What no way babe"  Buhlebendalo "You and I have things to do and re!ember your practice ends at 4 with the guys so we have an hour to spend time together. And I think it has things to do too, right?"

She directs that to Yandise-okuhle who replies with sass "Whose it? Because I know for sure I have a name, gender and everything else used to classify homo sapiens" she said looking at Buhle "But yeah I do have stuff to do....home works and such."

"Right. Later then" I say "Bye" and she walks away to the twins. Buhle turns to e "What?"

"Why are you associating yourself with the likes of her? Hmmm haai marn Ntando!"

"I can talk to anyone i want to Buhlebendalo" I walk off yk the rest of the squad.

"What happened manje ? Ntando who was the girl you were talking to?"

"She's his new-"

"She's no one. Just a girl I helped this morning. I didn't know she is in this school. Now let's leave it."

We walk to the rugby field and split up by the locker rooms. "So Ntando, new toy?" Ayanda asks me as we change into our uniform "What? No! Like I said she's a girl I helped"

"Mmmm sure"

"Alright boys get ready and meet me on the field in 5" Coach Benson says. We hurry up and rush to the field.

Practice goes on from 2 - 4:30. When its over some team mates leave immediately and some head to the locker rooms. I head to the showers when I reach the locker rooms. I take a quick shower because you never know with the gents because they love fooling around.

I finished and wore my vest and sweat pants with my slides, I always take a change of clothes to wear after practice. I head out to the private parking lot. I take my keys out of my gym bag and unlock my car. As I'm about to put my bags in the trunk, my eyes catch something.

"Yandise-okuhle?" I call out

She turns to me. I check my phone and its 5:30 pm. I must've spent a long time in the locker room I suppose. She walks close to me "Hi Ntando"

"What are you still doing at school? Its almost 6pm"

"Oh my gosh really? I'm gonna kill those three! One of my older brothers was supposed to fetch me but as you can see no one did and my twin forgot about me and I am"

"Would you like me to accompany you home?" I offer before I even process what I said.

"Oh no. I-i I don't want to bother you"

"You wouldn't be a bother. Trust me"

"I..." She hesitates "Fine"

"Okay. Uh come this side please." I feel relieved she agreed. I open the passenger seat for her and she gets in. I see her place her bag on the floor as I rush to the drivers side. I start the car and drive.


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