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I decide to walk around the school, to know it more and pass time since, I think, Ntando has practice. I pass one too many fields with learners. I got to the rugby field and lo and behold, Ntando, practicing. He was the first one I noticed and Jason followed. I sit down on the bleachers and watch.

30 minutes or so, I hear a cheer. I look to the left and right trying to figure out where it's coming from and it looks like it's coming from the gym. I walk towards it send sneak I'm through the doors.

The drum majoretts are practicing. I watch them and the moves they are making are pretty simple a nd basic, level 1 moves. I follow with and get lost on memories of me and my squad cheering on the school.

Practice is over and with the fear of being caught, I sneak out and run to my locker quickly before they see me. I acted like I was busy with organizing my locker to pass time.

I saw the girls leaving the gym and they walked towards me, my heart beating one too many beats, too fast "Hey, your the new girl right?"

I turn to the voice and my eyes trail the owner of the voice from her white Nike shoes and light pink socks up to the uniform that's dark blue with white and yellow lines on the base of the skirt, the waist and a black rose on the chest area decorated with blue and yellow specks.

"Uhm yeah, Yandise-okuhle" I stretch my hand out

"I'm Zanele, Zee fur short" we shook hands

"This is Amaya" she gestures to the blond on her right. "Sibahle", the other girl on her right "And this is-"

"Aphelele" the yellow bone on her left said with attitude also cutting Zanele off. I could tell right there that she don't like me but as always, I don't care. "Imma go ladies, Buhle is waiting for me. Mwaa" Aphelele says

"Toodles" the other girls say. I leave my life science and accounting books in my locker because I don't have those classes tomorrow. "So Yandi, is it cool if I call you Yandi?"

"Yep, it's cool"

"Okay so, I wanted to know if your interested in being a drummie because I saw you watching us." Oh.. no.

"Uh...sorry about that and to answer you, yes I'd love to."

"Great! So we have tryouts on Friday"

"Awesome! I'll be there" detention khe yona girl?

"Fabulous" she snaps her fingers and walks off with Amaya and sibahle following her, they turn the corner and I let out a loud squeal of happiness "Someone's awfully happy" Ah!

"Ntando man what the hell"

"Sorry, did I scare you?"

"No hey I just jumped in fright for no reason" I roll my eyes. He chuckled

"So uh, we still riding together right?"

Hell yeah!

"Of course"

"Great! I'll uh, I'll see you in a bit?"

"Definitely" I walk out the school as he runs back to the field I guess, I hadn't noticed his uniform. I really wanna see this big ass school, actually see it, without rushing to class.

I hear a car honk behind me but I ignore it because it's probably for someone else. I pay no mind to it, I hear it again and I turn to head inside the school. I hear it once again but now, some one is calling my name.

"Yandise-okuhle!" I swear I'm hearing Sandile but I didn't want to turn to find that it's not him .I feel a hand on my shoulder and the force has me stumbling forward.

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