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I tried by all means to focus in class but I just couldn't. So I gave up trying by period 2. I have no idea what Hergelat is teaching and quite frankly, I don't care. My fingers have been itching to text on my phone. I think I left Anande over a hundred messages and they are all unanswered. 

".....particles. Ms Mthethwa!" I jumped in freight. "Y-yes sir?" He stalked towards my desk, almost like a predator does to its prey. "Please repeat what it is that I've just said. "U-uhm...I...uhh-s...I can't. " I could feel the whole room glaring at me.

"And why is it that you cannot explain what I've just said to you?" He stood right in front of the desk. "Because I-I....I don't under...stand...." He just stared at me. "Get out." He walked back to the podium and proceeded to continue with the lesson. "Miss Mthethwa I told you to leave, or do you not understand what I've said again?" I shook my head no, "Why?" He gave me a look of sheer annoyance, "You are disrupting my class Miss Mthethwa, do not force my hand any further. Leave. Now." 

I had to pack my bag and do the walk of shame. In retrospect, he was helping me because I heard nothing he said but to be kicked out of class is both humiliating and it hurts. I didn't know where to go so I wandered the halls until the bell rang, indicating that its time for period 3, accounting. I could at least do my best to focus there. I was the first one to get to class which was not surprising. I could hear everyone gossiping behind me. 

"I can't believe she got kicked out." 

"Yeah, that's so sad. I feel shame on her behalf."

"Totally." Someone came to stand in front of me, "You just live for drama huh? Sad." I looked up an it was Buhlebendalo. "Don't you have some desperate dick to suck?" Everyone gasped. "How dare you-" Mr. Smith opened the door. "Enter." I walked in, leaving Buhlebendalo with her jaw on the floor. I don't have time for her bs today. I took my phone out from my blazer as I sat down. 

"Please put your devices away, you're writing your spot test today. Right now. That includes you Miss Mthwthwa." I raised my head, "oh...I'm-I'm s-sorry s-s-sir." I pushed my glasses up my nose as they were falling off. I had no choice but to put my phone in my bag. I took my pencil out as well as everything else I would need. I had to force myself to focus because no boy will come in between my future and I. 

The test was challenging but I still prefer Accounting as to Physics. For the remainder of the class I stared out the window. "Pearl." I turned towards the front where Mr. Smith stood by his desk. "Sir?" he motioned, with his hand, for me to approach. "Yes Sir?" 

"You don't seem okay. Is everything going well?" I could feel my face changing to confusion. "Y-yes sir. Why do you ask?" he pointed to the paper stack that sat on the desk. "This is why I'm asking." My test sat on top and there was a red 'F' encircled. "You didn't get a single question correct. I will allow you a re write on Friday and I expect to see a significant change other wise I'll be forced to bring your parents in."

"Yes sir. Thank you, may I please return to my seat." He nodded. I took my phone out to look over my ntes because when answering those questions, I knew that what I wrote is correct but clearly I was mistaken. As soon as the bell rang I left and ran to the library. I didn't care for the eyes I received from onlookers. I could feel the tears falling down my face. 

I went to the little corner that I would sit at with Anande. I pulled my phone out and rang his cell. It went unanswered. I tried it again and again and again but to no avail. "Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. Whatever it is, I know you will get through it." The arms came around my shoulders and I was pulled onto a chest. I recognized the scent. "N-nel-lis-s-siwh-we?" 

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