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Four weeks later

It's been a month since the Masqueade  and the day I lost my virginity. I didn't even plan on losing it like this, it just happened, guess I should've never doubted Kopano when she said it just happens no matter how much you plan for it you won't actually lose it like you planned. I'm kind of sad because I don't even remmeber how I lost it. I do remember though, that it was outside, by the large tree in the backyard...And that it was to Ntando so yay?

It's also been a month since I've started feeling weird, I don't like certain foods anymore, I'm always tired, I have bipolar mood swings and my boobs are tender and larger, Oh what else, yeah! It's been a month since I last got my period and i have been avoiding uAnande since the Bonfire party...Now these are all signs yes even the avoidmentation but nope I'm not going to act on them.

My periods gonna come someday. Yeah like eight months later someday. Stupid subconscious nxa imma go eat a pickle and ice cream with some ultra salty fries. Yum. And I'm gonna stop avoiding Anande...right ? Any ways, I have to get ready for school and prepare myself to mize Anande for the last time this week. TGIF.

My school skirt is getting tighter by the day but I'm trying to not let that deter me. It's already term 3 and we are preparing for matric content as well as for the September tests so if I focus on that, maybe this will all blow over. I need to get my academics on point. 4 distinctions last term really made me set the bar and Nathi was so close to getting one more than me. I'm proud of him though, he really is pushing himself and I love to see that. 

"Yandisokuhle, hurry up man. You're going to be late and you already are so hurry up and come straight to the car." Bhut'Simphiwe and Sandz had come back about 2 days ago and we were planning to go out tomorrow. "Okay." My eyes were tearing up and I don't know why. I took my bag and rushed out. "Bye everyone." I jumped into the passenger seat and Simz drove out in full speed. "MaZulu said you've been sleeping more these days. Is everything okay?" 

I didn't look at him as I nodded. "I'm just...I don't know." He drove through McDonalds for some breakfast wraps before dropping us off at school. "Kayise are you alright?" I looked at Nathi, "Yeah. Why?" I'm sure the confusion is as clear as day on my face. "You haven't touched your food." I look down at the doggy bag. "Oh, yeah, I'll eat before homeroom begins. Sure ntwana." I rush to the library and sit in a new, secluded area. I pull the wrap out, hold my breath and shove it down my throat. 

The egg looks so runny, it makes me feel like vomiting and the bathrooms are too far. I gulp down the mocha before throwing the trash in the bin. I rush to homeroom just as the warning bell rings. The rest of the day flows well, I even manage to sneak past Ntando and his friends for the whole day. Jason didn't ask questions in Life Science class as well.   


Later that evening...

"Yandise-okuhle awudli yini" mom asks. "Oh ma uthini ?" I've been thinking about all these signs and I've decided that tomorrow after school I'm taking a test or two "okuhle...kaysie...pearl!" startled I answer "it's negative" looking around the now quiet dinner table mom asks "kaysie what's wrong and what's negative?" "uhm...i just have a lot on my mind mom and I'm tired school is hectic" I reply.

"Is that the only thing making you tired Yaya ?" father asks. He doesn't know right he can't possibly know I mean I'm not showing "yebo baba" I respond "uqinisile Ntombiyodwakayise (are you sure)" he asks "yes daddy I'm sure" I faintly smile and try to eat a bit. Soon the table is lively and that's because the twins start talking about their day at school.

After dinner I immediately left for my room. I thought no body noticed my sudden departure but i was wrong. Too worried about the food that's tryna come back up I hurriedly made my way upstairs, into my room and I made a bee line towards my bathroom, I spilled my guts out until I had nothing left to vomit. "Umithi Yandise-okuhle ? (Are you pregnant?)" The lights come on but I'm too dizzy to focus "hmmm" is the only answer I can give.

"Ngithe umithi yini Yandise-okuhle Ntombiyodwakayise Pearl Mthethwa umithi yini na (I said are you pregnant Yandise-okuhle Ntombiyodwakayise Pearl Mthethwa are you pregnant)" she raises her voice a bit at the end. "Ma" I weakly mutter and try to stand on shaky legs.

Walking back to my room I open my night stand and take a piece of gum out then drink from my bottle of water on the night stand next to my glasses' case before popping it in my mouth, but before I can even sit down my mother roughly grabs my hands and pulls my tee up and as I try to pull it down...

"Kwenzekalani mfazi wami (what's happening my wife)" dad asks. "Baba lomtwana wakho umithi bheka (my husband your daughter here is pregnant) mom answers with a shaky voice. By now my legs feel like jello and I am shaking like I got a bucket of ice water poured onto me.

"Ini? (What?)" dad asks shocked, he then turns to me "umithi Ntombiyodwakayise ?" He asks walking up to us. I keep quiet facing down still shaking. He walks out and it's just mom and I now...there's a pregnant pause (notice the pun). I sit down on my bed facing down. Breaking the heavy silence I say "ma ngi-"

I'm interrupted by my door opening again and there stands father with...a belt in his hands? Oh no oh no oh no please not this. Quickly I stand and try to hide behind my mother "uyaphi ntombi yam ngik'buze umbuzo angithi ? (Where are you going my girl, I asked you a question didn't I?)" I quickly nod yes "pho kungani unga phenduli hmm (so why aren't you answering me hmm)" he asks walking closer and before I can answer he pulls me by my arm.

"Ba-baba ngiya xolisa baba (da-dad I'm sorry dad) I shaking respond now absolutely terrified of what's about to happen. "Haai Ntombiyodwakayise angicelanga uxolo lwakho ngikubuze umbuzo phendula khe (no Ntombiyodwakayise I didn't ask for an apology I asked you a question so answer me)" he seems mad now still holding onto the belt and my arm "baba ngi-ngiya- (father i-im-)" "Yandise-okuhle! Phendula umbuzo wami marn noma ngiwu phinde ? Oh okay ngithe umithi yini Yandise-okuhle. Phendula ungichele iqiniso (Yandise-okuhle! Answer my question man or should I repeat it ? Oh okay I said are you pregnant Yandise-okuhle. Answer and tell the truth)" oh oh "angazi baba (I don't know dad)" I say now close to peeing myself. "did you get intimate with a boy Yandise-okuhle?"

"Y-yebo baba" I say, mom gasps "mmm did you use protection and an emergency pill ?" he asks, "ch-cha baba (n-no father)" mom gasps again and dad tightens his hold on my arm "baba uyang'limaza- (dad your hurting me-)"
I whimper. "Yandise-okuhle man Yandise-okuhle! How could you be so stupid, your 17 years old for God's sake how could you not use protection hmm" he shouts in my face, by now mom has taken my position on the bed and she's crying shaking her head

Bakithi I'm the one being man or should I say dad handled over here
"Ngiyaxolisa baba" I'm scared guys no cap, he pushes me and I tumble but before I can catch myself *thwaa "ahhh" I scream but that seems to anger him more * thwaa thwaa thwaa thwaa all these hits going on on my body I kept screaming I even fell.

By now I'm curled in a ball and when dad hits my spine I let out the loudest scream ever that ishh hurt especially since I haven't properly healed from my injury back in fifth grade and my brothers come barging in and mom's tryna cover me I'm over here crying dad's still hitting now both mom and I. Ntsika tryna to get the belt from dad but he's pushed away *thwaa thwaa thwaa thwaa on my thighs and legs "ba-baba ngi-ya xolisa baba! uyang'limaza baba" I cry out but he doesn't stop not until both sandile and ntsika hold him.

Pushing them off of him he looks at me disgusted and disappointed and with hate filled eyes "nxa" he walks out. All you can here now are my whimpers and mine and mom's occasional sniffs. "Ma, sisi what happened, what's happening?" Ntsika asks confused. I'm still whimpering with a sore body and the pain from the look he gave me which is enough to wreck already wrecked soul.

But I did this to myself.

Tun Tun tuuuuuuun.....drama😹😹😨

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