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Oh my goodness you guys!!! I am so sorry, I published the not finished version of this chapter. Please please pleeeeeeeeaaaaaassssssseeeeee forgive me😭😭😭😭.

Yhoo yhooo yhoooo

Please, this is the finished version....enjoy😭😭

School couldn't end quicker, even as I begged to God to fast pace this day! It was Maths period now meaning that I'm sitting besides my best friend but she won't talk to me and I'm not about to risk getting a detention. Luckily, as soon as the bell rings, it's break.

And right on point, the bell rings. I pack my things up and see Nelly standing up from the corner. "Nelisiwe!" I call out while trying not to gain attention. She ignores me again but Anelisa stands infront of my table. "What ever it is that you did, fix it!" She bangs on the table.

"I'm trying to but your sister won't give me the time of day."

"Ha! Now you know how she's been feeling this whole time. Good luck." She walks out afterwards. I joined the loud chatters of the cafeteria 10 minutes into the lunch break. I walk towards the table where everyone sat at.

"And then?" Anelisa says and Unathi hits her arm. "Be nice." She just shrugged and continued eating her lunch. "Hi Unathi..." I sat across Nelly. "Hi darling." We sat in silence as I took my lunch box out.

"Why are you here?" I closed my mouth and put my wrap on my lunchbox lid. "How do you mean?" I feel anxious already. "When did you last sit with us?"

"A couple of days ago-"

"Don't lie" she bangs on the table. "Nelly-"

"No. You are not about to come and go however you please Yandisokuhle! We don't have the time for that and quite frankly, I don't have the energy for you."

"You can't mean that."

"I do." She let out a sigh. "I care about you, really I do. But what you're doing with Ntando Majola..." sigh,"I am not gonna stand back and watch you do that to yourself. So rather, let me leave this friendship."

"Nelisiwe...You don't understand-"

"What don't I understand?"

"It's..." I let out a sigh, feeling my frustrations build up. "It's complex"

"Oh bull shit!" She whisper-shouts. "I wouldn't expect you to understand Nelisiwe." I cross my arms. "This isn't you Yandisokuhle. "

"This is me." I argue, "You wouldn't drop your friends when they need you the most. It's not even half way through the year and you have already trended so much. You are so shallow!"

"Fuck you. "

"See what I mean? We are done." She stands up and walks off. "Nelisiwe!" I shout for her. "Ndiyeke! (Leave me alone!)" She walks out the doors. Everyone turns to look at me. "What the hell are you looking at!" Murmurs fill the large room. I slump down onto my chair.

"Wow. That was so dry."

"Not now Anelisa. I'm not in the mood for you." I say, rolling my eyes.

"And lucky for you, I don't care." She laughs, then bites into her food. I sat in silence while the couple proceeds to have a conversation. Just before the bell rings, I pack my things back I my bag. "Oh my goodness." I groan. "You okay?" I feel a warm, soft hand on my shoulder.

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