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It is Saturday aka Game Day, and my phone keeps ringing. I know its the notifications of people posting about how excited they are. I've come to accept that Rosèry High takes its games serious. Probably more serious than school work.

I've already taken my bath and I'm just sitting on my bed, contemplating on what to wear. I have my drummie outfit on one side, it's a blue pleated skirt with two thick yellow lines at the bottom, the top is cropped and has the same design as the skirt, but with the letters RH in white on front. I pair it with my white socks and sneakers and a white side bag.

On the other side, I have a black dress with a large blue shirt and a sunflower pin. I've paired the outfit with some white socks and white crocs. "What will you wear?" Mama walks in, holding a cup of a hot beverage.

"Not sure yet." I say, looking between the two outfits. "I think you should wear your uniform." I hum, thinking over what she's suggested. We sit in silence as I look through my outfits once more.

My phone rings, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Hello?"

"Are you ready? We are already at school and it's quickly filling up." Nelly rushes out as I answer the call. "Oh yeah, I'm on my way." I say in an unconvincing tone. "Mmmm. Just hurry please. I don't know how long I'll be able to hold your place for you."

"I'm on my way." I stand before quickly realizing that I've got injuries and I'm naked. Wincing, I sit down and MaZulu helps me stabilize myself. "Let me help you get dressed." I nod, cutting mine and Nelly's call short with an "ll call you in a few."

We struggle to put the uniform on me mainly because it's too small, the Bra wouldn't fit on my chest so we had to try some awkward positions just to get it on. She helps me wear my shoes and accessorize. Soon enough, I'm done and we head downstairs.

"What..." I see my family looking dressed up to go. "Kuyiwaphi? (Where are we going?)" I ask, allowing Baba to hold me up as I lean on him for support. "Your school game. Remember Nathi is playing soccer." MaZulu says, "Oh yes. Let's go then." We all pile up in the car and drive to school.

You could feel the buzz of excitement from a mile away. The school was dim but the minute you opened the doors, you could hear the crowd cheering. We walked down the hallway to the rugby field, the soccer match would begin 30 minutes after the rugby game. I went to the other drummies and greeted them.

Only a handful greeted me back and I was okay with it. Angizelanga bona la. (I am not here for them.) I looked up to the bleachers and saw the girls sitting there, wearing the clothes we bought. I looked further back and saw MaZulu and Sibonga sitting up, i waved at them and they waved back.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Bhut'Ntsika and Bhut'Sandile sitting besides her, looking serious as always. I turned back to face the field. I saw Ntando wearing his gear, our eyes locked and I felt breathless and hot in the moment.

I felt like it was just us in that moment. I could feel my cheeks burn as his eyes trailed down my body. I felt naked as I stared at him,  his eyes moving and looking at every corner of my body. The loud cheers coming from everyone broke our eye contact.

I cheered loudly as they ran into the field, the drummies running infront of them. I didn't see when they moved from  the benches but I didn't care none the less. After an hour of watching rugby, I got hungry so I walked out of the field to the vending machines, there were students who were selling snacks but I wasn't so sure about those snacks.

The halls were quiet but you could still hear the crowd in the field. I took out some cheese Pringles, Bar One and a small Pepsi which I placed in my Tote bag. Once I had caught my breath, I walked down the hall, headed in the direction of the soccer field when I felt a hand around my waist quickly pull me into the nearest room.

I struggled to find my footing so I fell onto the desk, my crutchs falling somewhere behind me. I cried out in pain as shockwaves passed from my hand throughout my body. The person was quick to cover my mouth as if anyone would hear me. Bhod!

He pulled me up by my hair and that shit hurt honestly! "Keep quiet and you will live." He said, I know that voice. I don't know from where, but I know this voice.

"Sambulo..." I whisper,  the memory coming back to me. He freezes, oh no! "Please don't..." I whisper, feeling emotional as my heart beats faster than a doctor would prefer. He wraps his arm around my neck, cutting my air supply off. I panic, flailing my arms in the dark, trying to pull his arm that's getting tighter off my neck.

"Mmmmm" tears clouded my eyes, my glasses were long gone from my face. "....please " I beg him, my movement getting sloppier and my eyes closing slowly, I let go, giving up as I accept my defeat.

From the back of my mind, I hear a door opening and I feel my body falling down, my eyes shut and I let the darkness consume me.

When I came to be, I find myself on a bed and my uninjured hand was held by Nelly. "She's awake." I heard someone say. I could feel the blood rushing in my head as memories of what happened flooded my mind. "Sambulo-"

"He will be taken care of. How are you feeling?" I am in shock. Jason is standing in the corner of the room is Jason, both hands in his pockets. I look around and find my father pacing in the room.

"Baba-" he turns around, finally noticing that I'm awake. "Ngiguphi? (Where am I?)" He kisses my forehead. "School nursery." Jason answers. I look around the room again.

"It looks fancy. Then again this is a rich school..." I try to joke but no one smiles or laughs. "We will leave you to it." Nelly says, patting my hand and giving me a hug before she and Jason walk out.

"Daddy what happened?"

"Jason said someone found you unconscious on the floor. That bastard was standing over your figure before he fled. Who knows what he would have done..." He pauses for a moment before facing me, "Why did you leave the fields? There are vendors for a reason Ntombiyam."

"Daddy, you of all people should know that I don't trust their food. But I'm fine. Let's go watch my twin."

"No, I'm taking you home."

"Baba no please-" I beg, the thought of staying at home while everyone else has fun makes me wanna throw myself on the floor and cry. "End of discussion."

"I'll just sneak out of the house. Please Daddy I promise to stay by your side through it all." I cup my hands gently in the front of my face, adding puppy dog eyes to sell the look. "No. And don't be proposing to me. Your mother will hit you." I laugh lightly.

"Baba please..."

"No, you could use the rest to prepare for tomorrow. " He reasons, helping me wear my shoes. "I could but what's the point if I won't be able to wear my heels? I might as well stay at home." I shrug, dismissing the whole situation.

"Yandisokuhle.  I am not about to discuss your safety with you right now. Take my instructions and go home. If you don't want to go to the gala tomorrow, that's fine. But we will not be wasting anymore time on this situation..I have bigger things to worry about right now." He opens the door, waiting for me to walk out.

"Jason?" I see him sitting there, looking busy on his phone. It was only when I observed him that I noticed the uniform. "Shouldn't you be playing rugby?" I question him, taking slow steps to the elevator.

"Nah, I only play in the second hour. There's like 10 minutes left." He shrugs. I nod and walk forward. "Do you know who found me?"

"Nahhh...." he scratches the back of his head. "Y'know what, I think I should get going. Bye Yandi." He waves goodbye before running of in the direction of the rugby field. "Baba why am I going hone though." I whine and he gives me a menacing look so I decide to just keep quiet.

We qalk to the car and he opens the door for me. "Don't try anything funny." He warns, I nod and shut the door. "Good evening Miss Mthethwa."

"Sawubona Bab'Geofrey." I buckle up as we drive out of the parking lot and unto the main road.

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