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It's the Easter egg fundraiser day. Yandisokuhle was dressed in a baby pink dress with a light cotton top, white socks and light pink shoes. She had on bunny ears attop her head and a bunny backpack. 

Since this would be her first fundraiser at school, she figured she'd dress appropriately for the event. Speaking of which, it was due to start in an hour and half. "Are you ready little one?" Bhut'Ntsika called out from the other side of the door.

No one spoke of the day when she came home late. There was some sort of understanding that it happened and nothing could change it. "I'm almost doen Bhuti." She grabbed her necklace and ran out of the room.

She made sure to greet her family before grabbing a cheese bagel off the table. "Sit down and eat." MaZulu called after her just as she was walking out. She didnt want any conflict so she nodded and sat besides Nathi.

"Whats the plan for today?" Baba asked the quiet family. "I'm going to go ride my bike at the park Daddy." Konke proudly admitted.  "And I'm going to practice my stunts on my skateboard Daddy. " Sibonga chimed in, also feeling excited.

"Good. But won't yoy get hurt?" Baba questioned, "if I do, I know my brother will help me out-"

"Yes Daddy and itz okay if we get hurt. It's part of growing up. Right?" Konke looked around the table. "Uqinisile boy. Getting hurt is part of growing up." Bhut'Ntsika said. Yandisokuhle sipped on her cup of tea quietly as everyone spoke of their plans for the day.

"And how about you Pearl?" She looked at her mother, "Ma?" Her voice hadn't risen above a whisper. "What are your plans for the day?" She placed her cup on the table. "I'm just going to see what's going on at the fundraiser and then I'll be back." MaZulu hummed and nodded.

"As long as yoy guys enjoy yourselves because when you get back, we are packing." Spoons hit the table. "Packing what ma?" Eyes stared at the elderly woman. "Packing to go to KZN." That seemed to have deflated everyone's mood.

There were multiple complains coming from the lot. Baba banged his hand on the table. "We are going to KwaZulu-Natal and that is final." No one dared to say anything afterwards.  "Bhuti, I'm done." Yandi placed her cup on the table.

"Come then, it's already late." Nathi as well as Sandile stood up alongside Yandisokuhle.  They walked out of the house and into the lime green G63. "Okay, I've transfered about R1000 in each of your accounts. I do not want any calls from anyone asking me for money." The two cheered in their seats.

The drive to the school was fun. There were decorations everywhere from the beginning of the streets right up to the school. Sandile dropped them off and left.

"Let's blow this popsicle stand." The two did their siblings handshake and walked into the school together. It was buzzing with excitement. They went off into the fields and walked through the mini market that was set up. They bought foods and played games.

"I'm gonna go to the ladies neh Nathi." She notified him before rushing off to the lavatory.  She washed her hands when she finished and fixed her braids. She walked out and was on her way back to her brother when she got pulled into a room.

"This seems awfully familiar. " She murmured to herself as she stood right in that spot. "It was the only way to talk to you." The lights were turned on and the first thing she saw was Ntando's blue and white shirt.

Her eyes move down to his dark blue shorts, white puma socks and white air forces. He had given her enough space. "What do you want to talk about Ntando Majola?" She crossed her arms over her chest. He let out a sigh, "Why do you hate me?"

This question came as a shock to her. "What? N-no! I don't...i-i don't hate you Ntando. I ju-" she let out a sigh, "I just can't be with you." He stepped forward, "And why not?" She put her hand up to stop him. "Ntando no one wants us together. We clash, we don't click."

She was about to walk out when he pulled her in for a hug. She didn't try to struggle. "Ntando what are you doing?" He just held her closer. He was inhaling her fragrance because if felt like this would be the last time they ever hold eachother like this.

Slowly, she began to pull backwards and he looked down at her as she looked up at him. The sadness was evident in his eyes...she reached up and touched his face. Her finger trailed the growing mustache and felt his warm, soft lips.

She pulled his face down as she leaned up. Their lips met gently and it's like the entire world froze and singled out to that moment. There was a fire building up between the two. They couldn't deny it. He was the first one to move his lips. He captured her lower lip and sucked gently.

She shuddered as his warm hands trailed down to her waist. She bit into his upper lip as she sucked and his reaction made her gasp. This granted him the opportunity to insert his tongue in her mouth.

A sudden moan came from her as he squeezed her ass, pulling her closer. She felt lightheaded as she continued kissing him. His lips detached from hers and went to her neck. Somehow, he had picked her up  and she'd wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Ntando..." she let out breathless moans as he continued to kiss her chest area. He stopped and pulled her into his arms. They were both breathing heavily. "Ntando-" he shook his head. "Call me Anande." He whispered and she nodded.  They sat like that for a while.

"I should get going." He nodded and stood up to let her down. When her feet touched the ground, he turned around and took his glasses off. He wiped his eyes as arms wrapped around his waist. "You should go." He rasped out, not even bothering to hide the hurt in his voice.

"Not when you're like this." He laughed but it was humourless. "Its not like you care." She sighed and let go of him. He heard her footsteps and then the door opened, "I do care Anande." The door shut immediately and he finally turned around.

The tears were falling like Niagara falls on his face. He took a few moments to compose himself before he walked out. He went straight to his car and drove off.


"Okay what the hell is going on with you sisi?" I stare at Nathi. "How do you mean?" He dramatically rolls his eyes. "You've been quiet since coming back from the bathroom. And you're dampening my mood. " He whined.

"Im sorry bro. I guess I'm just not feeling this thing anymore." He stared at me, shook his head and tsked. "This is about Ntando Majola. "

"N-n-no it's not! It's not!" He just stares at me. "Okay. I'm gonna go get some churros" He walks off and I just stare. What the heck! I chose to go in the opposite direction and I went to the raffle.

"Hi pretty lady." Its Marlin in the booth. "Nxa!" I walk away, "Wait, Yandi!" I contemplate on calling Bhut'Sandile to come fetch us but Nathi is still having fun. "Yandi wait, please." He grabs my hand and I turn around so swiftly and slap him.

"Stat the fuck away from me Marlin!" I see Nathi coming to me. "Sis, are you good?" I nod while looking at Marlin. "We good. Right Marlin?" He nods and walks off.

"Bhut'Sandile is here." He throws his arm around my shoulder and I put mine around his waist and we walk off to our brother. "Did you enjoy yourself?" He asks me, munching on his churro.

"I did, you?" Memories from earlier on play in my mind. "What's with the smile?" I laugh to hide my blush. "Its nothing. C'mon!" We run to the car. "Hi bhuti." I kiss his cheek from the passenger seat.

"You must've had fun. Judging by those smiles!" I laugh, "it was alright bhuti. I ate so much." We chatted as we drove back home.

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