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We drove off into the city and it was quiet in the car, all you could hear was breathing. Mom then turned the radio on and Metro FM was playing in the car, ironically the topic was Teen pregnancy. I was so tempted to ask mom to change the channel but I stayed quiet.

Deciding I've had enough I put my ear phones in my ears and connected them to my phone, quickly browsing through my songs I chose Hello by Beyoncé. Humming along the lyrics I closed my eyes and subconsciously my hand went to my tummy.

I thought about life once more and I started thinking about what kind of features the baby would have, would he/she have Anande's congenital heterochromia since it's genetic or my dull brown eyes, his beautiful chocolate brown skin or my caramel skin. Oh his bright dimpled smile. I smile a little thinking about my baby

I'm having a baby.

The next song to play is I'll kill you by Summer Walker ft. Jhene Aiko.

Quietly humming to the lyrics I let my mind wander and I closed my eyes. What came to mind was how much Anande's mother hated me for a reason I don't know and how she'd react to this, how his father would react. Heck how he'd react.

I then thought about my education. Would I have to stop school to take care of my child. It honestly didn't bother me that much, I think because the shock hadn't set in properly. I thought about the gender of my baby, I didn't care if it's a boy or girl just as long as my little bub is health.

I imagined the features the baby would have, oh how cute the baby would be with little feet and hands and tiny toes and fingers, a small mouth. The rushed breathing argg the heart beat awww that brought a smile on my face.

I think I fell asleep while thinking about my baby because I woke up when I felt the car stop. And slowly opened my eyes to see a bit if darkness...looked like a basement.

Dad turned the car off and then turned to mama "mfazi wam ngiyo confirm.a i appointment yomtwana wakho (my wife I'm going to go confirm your child's appointment)" he said, kissed her on the lips , gave her the car keys and left the car.

Mama turned to me and said "Nana I know your father seems mad, and he has ever right to be I mean my love how could you have forgotten about birth control ? Huh we say this everyday of your life since you got your period but somehow you forgot about it." She huffed.

"Was that boy's that good that he got you dickmatised and knocked up?" She said. "I and your father will support you through it all but nawe(you) you also have to show responsibility. As much as that boy of yours. Now let's go I don't think your father will appreciate waiting for us." She said then opened the door

And gestured for me to do the same. I took my phone, lip balm and some sour worms into my hand and I got out the car. I slid my phone into my pocket and walked to the front of the car. Meeting me mama and I walked together towards the elevators and she pressed the button and it opened quickly.

We got inside and I popped a sour worm in my mouth, she pressed the button written '14' and the doors closed and up we went. I felt a bit nauseous but kept quiet and tried to focus on my breathing. After some time the doors opened on floor 10 and two male doctors entered and pressed floor 15.

We quietly rode up the lift and it opened on our floor, saying a quiet excuse me I walked out the elevators and felt as if I could breath then. Mama wasted no time and walked up to the front desk. I guess dad saw her because I saw her walking timetable the chairs in the waiting room.

There were pictures of pregnant women and babies, some with pregnant women holding babies and others were pamphlet like looking. There were a few magazines where I sat so I took one and surprise surprise it Was a pregnancy magazine.

Deciding what the heck, I paged through it and read. After about 10 minutes someone called out "Mthethwa" I turned to the voice to see a nurse. I turned to my parents and saw mom standing. I stood too and placed the magazine on the chair I was sitting on.

I popped the remaining sour worms in my mouth grimacing a bit on how sour they were together. I walked behind mom towards the nurse. She stopped me when we reached her "I'm sorry ma'am but she can't come in"

"We are here for her actually" mom said sounding a bit embarrassed. I looked down in shame too "very well then. This way" the nurse said professionally. We walked to the doctors office and she opened the door. "Dr Hudson your next patient is here."

"Let them in" Dr Hudson said. We walked in and sat down. "Good morning, I'm doctor Sebastian Hudson." He said extending his hand to mother, she shakes it "Good morning Dr, I'm Mrs Mthethwa and this is my daughter Yandise-okuhle" they let go and Dr Hudson gave me his hand.

"Hi" I said shyly shaking his hand. "Hi Yandise-okuhle" he said my name perfectly and that came as a shock because he seems very white, with a very white name.

"So what can I do for you today? The file I have is on Yandise-okuhle and its stated that your pregnant'" he said turning his attention to me.

"Uhm yes I am" I said unsure

"You don't sound sure of what you are saying dear"

"I have the signs and my lower stomach is hard so I am...pregnant" i say in a low voice

"Okay well let's first take a test huh" Dr Hudson said and opened a drawer on his desk and pulled out a cup and handed it to me along with a bottle of water. I slowly took the bottle and drank the water. While we sat and waited my mother asked the Dr questions but I was not focusing.

I took the cup meekly and was about to head to the door when Dr Hudson directed me to a private loo in his office. I entered and did breathing exercises. I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror. I undid the ties to my pants and slid them down...

I finished up, wiped myself, flushed and washed my hands. I pulled my pants up and tied the laces. I opened the door and walked back into the room. Dr Hudson pulled his hand out toward the cup, I handed it to him slowly and he pulled a pregnancy text from his pocket.

He threw it in the cup and sat it on his table. We water for 5 minutes and then he pulled it out "Congratulations, you are pregnant" he said and the room went quiet. After a while he said

"Please come this side." Dr Hudson said pointing to a bed on The far right. The office was blue with a window behind the desk. It has pictures of babies and scans all around, a wooden black table, a office chair. Stethoscope on the desk along with a box of pens and a bottle of hand sanitizer.

I stood from the chair and headed to the bed. I got on it and lied down. Dr Hudson came over with a scanner then took out the want thingie. He turned around to a corner that held some medicine and gel and a box of condoms, he took one out then tore it open.

He put the condom on the scanner "I'm going to be conducting a transvaginal scan Since your a little over a month long and the baby hasn't developed that much." He said

"Please take your pants and undergarments off and out this on." He said handing me a gown. I quickly pulled the gown on and slid my pants down my legs along with my undies.

"Please open your legs, it's going to feel uncomfortable so try to stay relaxed" Dr Hudson said.

"Okay" I agree.

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