Chapter 2: The Juárez LaRussos

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Daniel sits up in bed, contently taking in a deep breath. He turns around to peer at Rosalía's sleeping figure and smiles before standing up to get ready for the day. As he's getting dressed, Rosalía begins to stir and slowly opens her eyes. Noticing her husband's absence in the spot next to her, she sits up, smiling when she spots him buttoning up his shirt. She cups her hands over her mouth and calls out, "take it off!" Daniel whips around at the sound of her voice and laughs. He does the last button before walking to Rosalía's side of the bed and kissing her forehead.

"Morning, honey. Sorry you missed the show, you should've woken up earlier," he jokes. Rosalía feigns disappointment. "Mmm, damn it," she jokes back, making her husband chuckle. He goes to his dresser to find a tie while Rosalía gets up and starts getting ready herself. Daniel quickly finishes getting ready and tells his wife, "I'll see you downstairs" before exiting the bedroom. He sees his oldest daughter, Aaliyah, serving breakfast to her younger siblings when he enters the kitchen. Daniel and Rosalía have five kids: Aaliyah (21), Xavier (18), Selena (16), Adrian (10), and Camila (8).

"Morning, guys," Daniel happily greets his family. "Good morning, dad," they all return as they eat. Aaliyah grabs another plate and walks over to the stove. "You want some, dad?" she asks. Daniel approaches her and responds, "sure, sweetheart but I can serve myself. You go eat." He takes the plate from Aaliyah and she goes back to the table. "You know, you didn't have to do this. I was gonna make breakfast for you all," he adds. Aaliyah shakes her head. "No, it's okay, you were still sleeping and I woke up early, so," she assures him. Daniel nods and prepares a cup of coffee for himself. Rosalía finally comes downstairs and is stunned to see everyone here.

"Y este milagro? [And this miracle?] I didn't have to bust down any doors to wake y'all up?" she voices as she walks over to Daniel. He hands her a coffee and they clink their cups together before taking a sip. "Thanks, mi amor [my love]," she says, pecking his lips. He just smiles dreamily at her as she stands next to him. "Mijo [my son], you're here early. Do you ever actually stay in your dorm?" she asks Xavier. The boy replies, "Yes. It's just that my roommate annoys me sometimes." It's his first semester at UCLA and he wanted to live in a dorm to get the full college experience. However, he hates his roommate already and loves being around his family so he spends more time at home.

"Does he leave his calzones [underwear] on the floor too?" Selena pokes fun, causing Aaliyah and her parents to laugh. Xavier gives her a dirty look. "Shut up, that rarely happens," he defends himself. Right when Rosalía and Daniel sit down to eat, Aaliyah gets up. "I gotta go. I have rehearsal," she claims as she goes to put her dishes in the sink. She's a Laker Girl, just like her mother was in the 80s. Rosalía introduced her to dance when she was very young and she quickly fell in love with the sport. Now she's on the Laker Girls team and works with her mom at her company: La Rosalia Dance Company.

"Come on, Camila," she calls to her eight-year-old sister. "Okay," the child responds as she stands up and goes to grab her backpack. She rushes back into the kitchen to say her goodbyes to her parents. "Bye, Dad," she says, going to stand in between her parents' chairs. Daniel gives her a hug and replies, "bye, kiddo. Have a great day at school, okay?" Camila smiles when he kisses her cheek before she turns to her mother. "Bye, mami," she acknowledges, kissing her cheek. Rosalía wraps her arm around her and gives her a big kiss on the cheek. "Bye, mama. Pórtese bien. La quiero mucho, okay? [Behave well. I love you so much, okay?]" she tells her.

Camila nods before following her sister out of the house. Soon after, Selena finishes eating and gets up as well. "I can take Adrian to school," she announces. Rosalía gives her a grateful smile and responds, "oh, thank you, mija, I really appreciate that." She's so thankful that her older kids are generous and willing to help her out with her younger kids. Selena and Adrian put their dishes in the sink as well before going to their parents to say goodbye and getting their backpacks. Once they're gone, the couple switches their attention to the last one left, Xavier. "What about you? Do you have class today?" Daniel asks him.

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