Chapter 31: They'll Need Miyagi-Do

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it took me forever to get around to editing this cuz I was busy jamming out to Rosalía's new song 😭 And yes, I did get my OC's name from her lol. (I love how I named all the Juarez LaRusso girls after singers lol.) ANYWAY, let's see who can catch the three parallels in this chapter 😏



Rosalía frowns as she witnesses Miguel kick Robby's injured shoulder, hating how dirty he's fighting. The boy spins into another kick, getting Robby in the torso and sending him to the floor. "Stop! Point!" the referee calls. Rosalía and Xavier sit there with disappointed looks on their faces. They really wanted Robby to win, and the woman hates that he lost because of his opponent's dirty methods. Selena slightly frowns, not really sure how to feel. She honestly would've preferred if Robby won since he wasn't fighting dirty. Although, she loves to see Miguel win... but why did it have to be this way? "Winner!" the referee declares, lifting Miguel's arm into the air.

The audience goes wild while the Cobras run onto the mat to hug the champion. Rosalía watches Robby step out of the way and bow before going toward Daniel while holding his injured arm. The announcer walks onto the mat with the trophy in hand. "Who saw that coming, huh? I know I didn't. Without further ado, let me present the trophy to this year's new champion, Miguel Diaz, and the Cobra Kai dojo!" he speaks into the microphone. Miguel screams victoriously as he holds the trophy up. Selena can't deny how adorable he looks when he's happy like this. "Is there anything you wanna say to the people, son?" the announcer asks.

Miguel takes the mic and states, "I just want to say that if it wasn't for my sensei, I wouldn't be here. So this is for Sensei Johnny Lawrence and Cobra Kai!" His teammates and the audience erupt into celebratory screams again before the Cobras begin chanting, "Cobra Kai" repeatedly. Miguel hands the trophy to Johnny and Rosalía takes note of the man's downcast face. He doesn't look like someone who just won and she can imagine why. Soon enough, everyone starts to disperse as they exit the arena. Rosalía goes up to Daniel and Robby and gives her husband a hug. "You did great, Sensei," she compliments him. Daniel grins as they pull away. "Thanks," he softly replies, a hint of sadness in his voice.

The woman turns her attention to the teenager and she gives him a side hug, avoiding his injured shoulder. "You did amazing, mijo. In my head, you won," she praises him. The boy chuckles at this. "Thanks, Mrs. JL," he responds. The three start walking along the side of the stage with Robby in the middle of the two adults. Rosalía soothingly rubs his back as they walk. "Robby," a voice suddenly calls, making them halt and turn around. A guilty-looking Johnny approaches them. "I... I'm... I'm sorry," is all he manages to say. "It's okay, dad... It's okay," Robby softly responds while Johnny looks down shamefully. Robby looks between the couple and utters, "let's go, Mr. and Mrs. LaRusso" before striding away.

The couple shares a look before turning to the blonde. "You got what you wanted, Johnny. You won. Congratulations," Daniel tells him before going after Robby. Rosalía stays put, watching her husband walk away before turning to Johnny, who's gazing at her with guilty eyes. She sends him a small kind grin. "He doesn't hate you, just give him some time," she advises, making him nod. "And congrats on the win... just be mindful of what you teach those kids," she adds, giving him a knowing look. Johnny takes her words to heart. He witnessed the toxicity he instilled in his students today and he didn't like it. He has to do better and Rosalía knows it... he knows it. The woman gives him another smile.

"I'll see you around, Johnny."

"See you around... Rosalía."

Rosalía grins once more before walking away toward her family. Meanwhile, Miguel is with his mom and grandma but he's not focused on them. "Miggy? Miggy!" Carmen calls, making him snap his head to her. "Are you okay?" she asks as she holds onto his arms. "Uh, yes, mom. Just, um, looking for someone, okay? Just one minute," he informs her, letting go of her and stepping into the crowd in search of either Selena or Sam... but mostly the former. He runs into Demetri, who starts chatting his ears off. "Okay, uh, have you seen Selena and Sam?" he questions. Just as he asks that, Selena appears behind him. "Oh, yeah, there she is," Demetri pipes up, pointing at her. Miguel spins around, beaming when he spots her.

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