Chapter 4: The First Confrontation

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SEASON 4 IS ALMOST HERE, I'M SO EXCITED!! In honor of the new posters we got today, here's another chapter 🤍🌹



The Juárez LaRusso family is having dinner with their guest, Ethan. He scored a point with Rosalía when he politely greeted everyone but he gives her a strange feeling she can't quite shake. Daniel has that same feeling, he doesn't know if he can trust him or not. Everyone sits around the table while Daniel stands, preparing a dish in front of them. "The Yanagi, or yanagiba, depending on the region, is a knife used exclusively for cutting sashimi. I picked up this bad boy on our first trip to Okinawa," he states, glancing at Rosalía.

He sets the knife down and places the sushi on a plate. "Voilà. The famous... LaRusso ponzu toro," he declares as he pours sauce over it. Rosalía grins at the proud look on her husband's face. He places the plate in front of Ethan, who makes a disgusted face. Noticing this, Rosalía asks, "why are you making that face? You okay?" The boy glances at her and Daniel. "Oh, uh, yeah. It's just... I don't like sushi," he admits. This takes Daniel by surprise and he doesn't know how to react, he just turns to his wife.

"Uh..." Rosalía trails off, gazing at her husband. "Why don't you try a little piece at least?" she suggests. "It melts in your mouth," Daniel adds, hoping to convince him to try it. "Uh, no thanks. I'm not a big fan of fish," Ethan replies. Aaliyah and Xavier exchange a look while Selena looks at her dad's displeased face. "But don't you like sopa de mariscos [seafood soup]?" she questions her boyfriend. "Oh, do you have that?" Ethan asks with a dopey grin. Is he serious? Rosalía wonders as she watches him in disbelief.

"Uh, no. Just this fresh fish I picked up from the Japanese market this morning," Daniel answers. Selena slightly cringes, feeling embarrassed for her boyfriend's behavior. "Okay, it's okay. Um, I can just look for something else you can eat. Is that okay, mijo?," Rosalía suggests. Ethan nods. "Yeah, that's fine," he replies. Rosalía grins at him as she stands up. "Selena," she calls her daughter, nodding her head in the direction of the kitchen. The girl stands up and follows her mother. As they walk into the kitchen, Rosalía hisses, "cipotillo malcriado [rude/unmannerly little kid]." Selena's eyes widen.

"Ma! He knows Spanish!" Selena scolds her. Rosalía waves her hand dismissively. "Ah! He can't hear me," she claims as she walks to the fridge. "He might've! You're loud!" her daughter says again. Meanwhile, the rest of the family is still sitting at the table. Wanting to get away from the awkward scene, Xavier and Aaliyah excuse themselves from the table, taking Adrian and Camila with them. Oh, great, now I'm alone with him, Daniel thinks as he watches them leave. He slightly chuckles and smiles at Ethan as he takes a seat. "Thank you for inviting me over, Mr. LaRusso. You have a nice house and it's great to meet your family. Plus, I think Selena's amazing too," Ethan speaks up, trying to break the tension.

Daniel smiles at this. "Well, thanks. She takes after her mother. And listen, I never liked sushi when I was your age either. It wasn't until I met a good friend of mine that it began to grow on me," he conveys. Ethan just nods as he listens. "He was from Okinawa. Where are your parents from?" the man asks, trying to keep the conversation up. "Mexico," Ethan answers, making Daniel nod. "Mexico, nice. My wife's parents are from El Salvador," he mentions. "I know, Selena told me," Ethan informs him. An uncomfortable silence fills the air.

"So tell me about that shiner you got there," Daniel pipes up, pointing at the boy's face. Ethan is puzzled for a second until he remembers the bruise under his eye. "Oh," he voices, hovering his hand over it. "I, uh, got hit with a soccer ball during practice," he nervously responds. Daniel catches his tone and narrows his eyes as he gives him a knowing smile. "And it didn't leave a bigger bruise?" he questions. Ethan chuckles nervously. "I, uh, I-I don't know, I guess I was-" he stutters, trying to come up with a lie. Daniel sticks his hand up and interjects, "Hey, it's okay. I was in my share of fights back in high school."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Ethan chortles. "Come on, Ethan. I know high school kids can be rough," Daniel claims before reaching for his glass of water. "No, it wasn't a kid," Ethan clarifies, nervously chuckling again. Daniel freezes and stares at him. "So there was a fight," he verifies. Ethan stays quiet, not thinking it's necessary for Daniel to know. "Is- is there something going on at home?" Daniel concernedly questions. "Oh, no, nothing like that, um... Okay so I went to a mini-mall with my friend and we saw this homeless-looking guy beating on some kids from school. So I tried to pull him off of one of them and that's when he elbowed me," Ethan explains, pointing to his face.

"What?" Daniel asks, shocked. "Yeah... this guy was doing karate on them or something," Ethan depicts. This causes an alarm to go off inside Daniel. "K-karate? Wait, wait, wait. Wait a minute, wait a minute," he speaks, holding up his index finger and leaning forward in his chair. "What mini-mall was this?" he asks. He thinks he already knows the answer. He just knows this so-called "homeless-looking" guy is none other than his old karate rival.


The bell jangles as Daniel walks into the dojo, alerting Johnny that someone is here. He exits his office and announces, "welcome to Cobra Kai." He's surprised to see Daniel LaRusso standing across the room from him. "Some things never change," Daniel passive-aggressively states. "Yeah, what are you talking about?" Johnny questions. "I heard you beat up a bunch of teenagers out there in that parking lot," Daniel mentions, pointing at the door behind him. "Oh, that. No. I didn't beat up any teenagers," Johnny replies before walking forward. "I kicked the shit out of a bunch of assholes who deserved it," he finishes.

Daniel scoffs at this. "Wow, Johnny Lawrence calling someone else an asshole. That's rich, man," he retorts. Johnny glares at him and asks, "Yeah, what's that supposed to mean?" Daniel slightly shrugs casually. "Uh, look, I'm not here to rehash the past. My daughter's friend got an elbow to his eye trying to defend those kids so just stay away from them," Daniel demands. Johnny cocks an eyebrow and an amused grin takes over his features. "Your daughter's friend?" he repeats. I don't remember who that was, he thinks. "Well, if he's anything like those assholes he was defending, he probably deserved that black eye," he snarkily remarks.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Daniel questions. "It means those assholes were wailing on a kid half their size," Johnny informs. Daniel's surprised by this and isn't sure whether to believe him or not. "I don't know about your daughter or her friend, but maybe you don't know much either. Get your house in order before coming to complain to me, LaRusso," Johnny spits. He doesn't really want to insult his daughter since she's also Rosalía's daughter. He knows she'd do her best to raise her daughter right but she is also Daniel's kid, so there's got to be something wrong with her.

"Who the hell you think you're talking to?" Daniel exclaims, stepping forward until he's only a few feet away from Johnny. "Bathroom's clean!" a youthful voice suddenly sounds. Miguel appears in the doorway behind Johnny. "Yeah, is there anything else you need me to do?" he loudly calls out. Daniel gazes at the boy with a skeptical expression. Noticing the man's presence, Miguel takes out his earbuds and blabbers, "Oh. I'm sorry, Sensei, I..." This alarms Daniel. "Sensei? Really?" he questions, eyeing Johnny disapprovingly.

The blonde man only nods in response. "Oh, my God, kid. I don't know what he's told you but you shouldn't believe a word this guy says or you're gonna end up exactly like him," Daniel addresses Miguel, who just looks between the two men in confusion. Daniel's eyes switch to Johnny. "You and I... This," he starts, glancing around the room before looking at the blonde again. "We aren't done," he declares before turning and walking toward the door. Johnny lifts his arms and says, "I'm right here, man." Daniel scoffs and turns to look at him with an irritated smile, seeing Johnny looking back with a smug smile.

He ignores him and walks out, getting into his car. He starts the engine and glances up when he's about to pull out of his parking spot, spotting Johnny in the window. He shakes his head and grits his teeth as he watches the blonde man. If Rosalía knew where I am right now... Daniel thinks. He didn't tell his wife where he was going because he knew she would've wanted to tag along. He wanted to confront Johnny by himself. I don't see the goodness she sees in him. She's just too nice.

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