Chapter 111: Look At Us Bonding

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The Grocery Store

Amanda informed Rosalía that she was going to the grocery store and offered her to join. Seeing that they're in need of groceries in her home, Rosalía accepted the invitation. So now, the two women are shopping at a store that Amanda usually goes to, but that Rosalía is unfamiliar with. "Why are these shopping carts so small?" the Juárez LaRusso woman questions as she and her friend each push a cart through the store. "I don't know. They're cute though," the blue-eyed woman responds, shrugging.

"Yeah, but I usually buy a lot when I go grocery shopping, I'm not gonna be able to fit much in here," Rosalía claims. She scans the dairy aisle, raising her eyebrows in surprise upon seeing the prices. "Ohhh, that's why the carts are small. No one buys too much at once because everything is so expensive," she theorizes. Amanda chuckles and shakes her head in amusement. "Hey, can we go to Vallarta after this? They don't have a lot of the stuff I'm looking for here," the brown-eyed woman requests.

"Ooo, I've never been there. Sure. What are you looking for?" Amanda replies. "Girl, I know you've never stepped foot in there," Rosalía chuckles, playfully hitting the other woman's arm. "I'm looking for things like queso fresco [crumbling cheese], tortillas, salsa... I like the brands like Cacique, El Mexicano, and Guerrero, which they don't sell here. Oh, and I need to get some meat! I like the meat at Vallarta," she depicts. "Oh! Okay, yeah, let's go!" Amanda accepts, making her friend grin.

Rosalía shops at stores like this one sometimes, but she loves going to the Latino markets more. They have products that she consumes and are cheaper than the "high-end" stores. Not that she can't afford the more expensive prices, but sometimes she forgets that she can. The two saunter through the produce section, slowing to a stop when they reach a barrel filled with packaged cheeses. Amanda picks up a packaged gouda to examine it. "I don't see any..." she trails off, her eyes traveling over the cheese in the barrel.

Spotting an employee nearby, Rosalía suggests, "Why don't you ask him?" Amanda follows her line of sight, seeing him as well. "Oh, yeah," she mutters before speaking up to get his attention. While she asks her question, the dark-haired woman mindlessly looks around the store. As soon as she looks to her left, she freezes when her eyes land on the most despicable person she can think of. Standing a few feet away is John Kreese with a sinister grin on his face. The woman's face hardens and she marches right up to the old man.

"What are you doing here? You following us?" she sharply addresses him. "Relax. My quarrel isn't with you... at the moment," Kreese calmly and mockingly claims. "Then why are you here?" Rosalía demands an answer. She suddenly feels something hit the back of her foot, making her look at the floor to see the cheese Amanda was holding at her feet. She turns around and sees Amanda standing there with a surprised and displeased facial expression. "Butterfingers, huh?" Kreese mocks with a fake grin.

"I asked you a question. Now answer it," Rosalía commands while the other woman stalks over, standing beside her friend. Kreese gestures to the apples to his left, maintaining his innocent facade. "Well, it's Honeycrisp season. This store has the best produce in the Valley," he states, keeping his intentions hidden. "Don't you need to be a legally-mandated distance away from me?" Amanda curtly points out. "Other way around," Kreese replies, shrugging. "Technically, you're the one in violation," he smugly retorts.

"Well, I'm not," Rosalía threateningly states, her eyes burning holes into the man's soul. Kreese releases a derisive laugh. "You're spicy. I like that," he tells her, eyeing her up and down. He loves how Rosalía challenges him. It's more fun when the people he's targeting fight back. The woman squeezes her fist, feeling the anger bubble up. She loathes being called spicy by people like him. Before she can respond, Kreese continues, "As much as I'd love to do business with you, I'm not here for you." He eyes Amanda, making it clear who he's here for.

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