Chapter 33: It Was That Obvious?

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Miyagi-Do Dojo

Rosalía and Daniel are inside the dojo as Daniel removes a loose shelf from the wall, examining the bolts. The woman leans against the wall, just watching him. Robby walks inside, catching their attention. "Hey," Daniel greets without turning to him. "Hi, Robby," the woman pipes up at the same time. "Hey," the teen addresses them both. He steps closer and reaches into the box next to Daniel, pulling out an Okinawan hand-drum. The couple glances at him upon hearing a clattering noise, seeing Robby turn the drum in his hand as he curiously studies it. "Careful. That drum saved my life," Daniel speaks up. "And mine," Rosalía adds.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to touch it," Robby apologizes, placing the drum back into the box. Rosalía slightly chuckles. "We're just messing around," she clarifies while her husband simultaneously speaks, "Nah, it's just a toy. Then again, not everything in Miyagi-Do is always as it seems." The boy grins at the two before an item across the room captures his interest. He heads toward it, making the couple turn to see what he's looking at. The woman walks up and stands to his left. "That's the Medal of Honor. The highest honor awarded by the US military," she informs. Robby glances at her before focusing on the frame-enclosed medal.

"I didn't know Mr. Miyagi was a war hero," he pipes up, glancing at her. Daniel walks up and stands on his right side. "Yes, he was," he jumps in. Robby has an impressed grin on his face. "Guess it wasn't all bonsais and kata," he remarks, looking between the two adults. Rosalía hums in response. "He was like a comic book superhero come to life," she comments, making the boy chuckle lightly. He looks off to the side, spotting familiar banners on the wall. "What are these?" he asks, pointing to them and walking toward them. Daniel walks ahead of him and pipes up, "I'm glad you asked." The three go to stand in front of the first banner.

"First rule of Miyagi-Do Karate: Karate is for defense only," Daniel translates, gesturing to the banner. He heads over to the second banner, making the other two follow. "Second rule of Miyagi-Do Karate..." he commences, gesturing to the banner. "First, learn rule number one," Rosalía chimes in, grinning at the teenager. Her husband smiles and nods at her before shifting his eyes to the boy. "Really all about that first rule," he states. They all look at the banner, the woman softly grins as she remembers when Daniel asked Mr. Miyagi about this on their first trip to Okinawa.

"Guess Mr. Miyagi would make an exception for Cobra Kai. I mean, when my dad finds out what we're up to, he is not gonna know what hit him," Robby claims with an entertained smile before walking outside. The couple's eyes linger on him as he leaves before they turn to each other, sharing a concerned look. "Pobrecito [poor boy]," Rosalía sighs. "He sees this as an opportunity to get back at his dad," she states. She wants him to reconcile with Johnny for both of their sakes. They'd both be a lot happier. Daniel sighs, knowing she's right. "Hopefully, he'll get over that need to spite him soon," he responds, to which his wife nods. They stay silent for a second and Daniel eyes the woman up and down.

"You gonna stick around a while longer?" he asks her. His wife tilts her head and looks up in thought. "I don't know. Maybe I'll go to the studio or the dealership," she replies. Daniel steps closer, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "Nooo, stay. That's why we have Kara and Amanda, they can handle your business. Come on," he begs, gazing at her with soft eyes. Rosalía snakes her arms around him and smiles. "Mmm," she hums in a contemplative tone.

"Come on, Robby loves having you around," her husband claims. She cocks an eyebrow at him and smiles smugly. "Just Robby?" she teasingly questions. Daniel chuckles lightly. "Of course not," he softly utters before capturing her lips in a sweet kiss. Rosalía smiles lovingly at him when they pull away. "Okay, I'll stay... you've convinced me," she claims in a false annoyed tone, making the man laugh.

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