Chapter 8: He Gets This From You

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Oh, the parallels... 😏



Rosalía's eyes flutter open as she wakes up. She tries to move but stops when she feels a weight on her waist. She peers down, seeing Daniel's arm draped over her. She turns her body so she's facing her husband, grinning at his sleeping face. She gently runs her hand through his disheveled hair, admiring how peaceful he looks. Daniel slowly opens his eyes, his wife being the first thing in sight. "Morning, handsome," she whispers with a soft smile on her face. Daniel closes his eyes again. "Were you watching me sleep?" he suddenly asks. The woman shrugs. "Something like that."

Daniel doesn't open his eyes as he jokes, "stalker," smiling cheekily. Rosalía chuckles lightly, making him do the same. He finally opens his eyes to look at the woman, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her closer. What a great way to wake up, he thinks. "I have to get up. I have to make sure Adrian and Camila are awake," Rosalía claims, trying to sit up. Daniel swiftly pulls her back down, tightening his hold on her. "No, no, no, don't go," he protests. "Daniel, I have to," she argues before her husband interjects. "We have time. Let's just stay like this a little longer. Please?" he suggests, pouting at her. The woman's heart melts at the sight.

"Okay," she sighs, giving in. Daniel smiles triumphantly and Rosalía snuggles up to him, resting her head on his chest. Daniel leans his head down to kiss his wife's head before leaning back into the pillow, the corners of his mouth curling up into a soft closed-lipped smile. After about 15 minutes, they finally decide to get out of bed. As Daniel swings his legs over the edge of the bed, he speaks up, "I'll wake up Camila, you wake up Adrian." Rosalía sits up and gives him a pointed look. "Oh, so you get the easy one," she quips. Camila wakes up easily, just a knock on her door is enough to awaken her if she's not up already. Adrian is the opposite. A 9.4 earthquake couldn't wake that boy up.

Daniel shrugs and stands up, coolly sauntering to the door. "Hey, you snooze, you lose, Ro," he claims, smiling smugly. Rosalía bites back a smile, her heart speeding up when she hears the nickname. Daniel rotates between "honey," "love," "Rosalía," and "Ro," and she loves when he calls her any of those. They sometimes call each other "babe" but it's pretty rare. Her husband opens the door and spins around to look at her.

"Besides, Adrian listens to you more anyway," he mentions before exiting the room. Rosalía shakes her head and sighs before climbing out of bed and heading toward her youngest son's bedroom. She gently opens the door, knocking on it as she enters. "Adrián, ya es hora de- [Adrian, it's time to-]," Rosalía starts before cutting off her sentence with a long dramatic Salvadoran mom gasp.

(For reference of the gasp 😂)

She stands there in shock as her eyes scan the messy room. Clothes, toys, video game cases, and trash are sprawled all over the floor. Papers, empty soda cans, and water bottles litter the desk and random articles of clothing are draped over the back of the chair.  "Oh, my God... que bárbaro [how barbaric]," she remarks, setting her right hand on her hip as her right hand flies up to rub her forehead in disappointment. Her eyes dart to the child fast asleep in the messy bed. She makes her way over to him, stepping over the items on the floor until she gets to the side of the bed. She starts shaking him by his shoulder and voices, "aye! Chanchito [little pig], wake up right now!"

Adrian snores, still passed out cold. This annoys Rosalía. She shakes him harder and raises her voice in hopes of it waking him up. "No, no, no, we're not doing this today. Levántate ahorita! [Get up right now!]" she commands. The boy begins to stir, slowly becoming conscious. He finally opens his eyes, seeing his mother with a strict look on her face. "What?" he absentmindedly asks. His mother straightens up and crosses her arms. "Como que 'what??' [What do you mean, 'what??'] Mira como tenés el cuarto! Parece que pasó un tornado por aquí! [Look how you have your room! It looks like a tornado passed through here!]" she exclaims.

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