Chapter 22: That Is a Crime

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Robby rolls up to the Juárez LaRusso house on his skateboard and heads into the backyard. He hears two feminine voices as he walks. "Please?" Selena begs. "No," Sam deadpans. Selena folds her hands together and gives her a pleading face. "Come on, pleaseeee," she asks again. Robby halts when they come into view, seeing them sitting on a pool chair together. "Play Just Dance with me!" Selena voices. Sam lightly chuckles and rolls her eyes. "No! I don't want to," she laughs. Selena groans. "Why??" she whines. "You're a trained dancer so you hit every move perfectly! I feel like I look so stupid next to you," Sam claims. Selena scoffs at this. "Oh, come on! It's not about being the best dancer, it's just for fun! Please?" she responds.

"Mmm..." Sam hesitantly hums, scrunching her nose. A small smile creeps onto Robby's face as he observes her. However, he doesn't want to impose on their conversation so he turns around to leave. Unfortunately for him though, he doesn't notice the wind chimes behind him and crashes into them, causing them to rattle loudly. The two girls snap their heads in his direction, seeing him try to stop them from rattling any further. "Oh, hey, Robby!" Selena chirps, standing up and taking a few steps forward. The boy smiles at her. "Hey, Selena. Sorry, I was... I was looking for your dad," he apologizes, walking toward her. His eyes shift to Sam, who's behind the girl. Selena takes note of this.

"Nah, you're fine. Uh, this is my new friend, Robby," she voices, looking at Sam and gesturing toward the boy. "And Robby, this is my cousin, Clamantha," she adds, gesturing toward the blue-eyed girl. Sam playfully rolls her eyes and steps forward. "Samantha," she corrects her. "Sorry, she loves embarrassing me," she tells Robby with a small chuckle. "That is true," Selena confirms. Robby chuckles at this. "Clamantha, like from Fish Hooks?" he questions. Selena's face lights up, happy that he got it. "Yes!" she verifies, making the boy laugh lightly. "Hi, nice to meet you," he addresses Sam, who returns the kind words.

"My dad's been training him in the dojo," Selena informs Sam, pointing in the direction of the dojo. "Then we should thank you. He tried roping us into it," Sam responds, looking at the boy. Robby chuckles at her comment. "So you're the niece and cousin Mr. LaRusso and Selena told me about," he mentions. "I guess so," Sam answers with a smile. Just then, Daniel and Rosalía exit the dojo. "You do have water in there, don't you? It's not like pure sugary stuff?" the woman questions, pointing at the cooler in her husband's hand. "Yes, love, I have water," the man assures her before glancing up and seeing the three teenagers.

"Oh, look at this," he pipes up. "My current student and my former students. You know, if you girls wanna join us, there's still time," he comments, giving the girls hopeful eyes. "I have practice later and then I'm going out with some friends so I can't, sorry," Selena informs him. She won't tell him which friends though because he won't approve. "I'm actually going to the mall with my mom, aunt, and grandma," Sam states, gesturing to Rosalía. Selena notices how Robby is staring at her and she smirks. Oh, wait, she has a boyfriend... Oof, I should probably tell him, she realizes. "Mhm, hopefully, Lucille and Amanda don't murder each other," Rosalía remarks.

Lucille never liked Amanda and was ecstatic when she and Louie divorced. However, she is Sam's mother so Rosalía hopes they can bury the hatchet for the girl's sake. Daniel grimaces and tells his wife, "just text me if there's any bloodshed." She laughs and Daniel leans in to peck her lips. "I'll see you later," he utters. "Okay, bye, amor," his wife responds. The man turns to Robby and says, "Robby, give me a hand with this. We're gonna take the SUV." He hands him the cooler before smiling at his daughter. "Bye-bye, sweetheart. Bye, Sam," he voices before turning to walk off.

"Bye, dad. Have fun."

"Bye, Uncle."

Robby stays behind and acknowledges Sam, "it was nice meeting you." Sam grins and responds, "you too. And, uh, good luck with the tree." Selena lightly chuckles at this and nods, giving Robby a knowing look. "Robby," Daniel calls him while he gazes at the girls in bewilderment. "Bye, Selena," he addresses his friend, who waves goodbye to him, before turning and approaching Daniel. "Tree? What- what tree? Where are we going?" he questions. "Don't worry," the man utters, patting his back. "You'll see," he adds, striding off with a smirk. Rosalía watches in amusement as the boy follows her husband. "Don't kill him!" she yells out, making Robby nervous. Is he gonna kill me with a tree? He wonders.

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