Chapter 47: Manipulation at its Finest

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Miguel sits at a table by himself, concentrating on his project on his laptop while all his Cobra Kai friends mingle. A feminine voice breaks his focus. "You want the rest of this brownie sundae?" He glances up to see Tory holding a plate in front of him. "Not gonna lie to you. I already ate the brownie and the whipped cream and most of the hot fudge," she continues. "So you saved me the melted ice cream?" Miguel asks with a small grin. "Yeah, the best part," the girl replies before setting the plate down on a nearby table. Miguel chuckles at this, shaking his head before going back to work on his computer. Tory takes the seat across from him.

"Seriously. What are you working on?"

Miguel only stares at her, at a loss for words. "Um-" he chokes out. Tory is amused by his reaction. "What? Is it something dirty?" she laughs. "No! It's nothing dirty," Miguel instantly counters, laughing embarrassedly. "Show me! Come on!" the blonde urges at the same time, pulling on the laptop. Miguel sighs, dramatically turning his head to the side as he grins. "I-I could use a girl's opinion on this, actually... But you have to promise not to laugh," he gives in, a bit hesitant to show the girl.

"I can't make that promise," Tory warns, shaking her head. The boy sighs and shuts his eyes, disappointed by her answer. He shakes his head, scared to reveal his project. He turns his laptop so the screen is in view of the two of them. "Ta-da!" he utters. Tory looks at it, seeing a black screen with a cartoon couple in the middle. Miguel hits play and a song plays through the computer's speakers.

♪Bidi bidi bom bom
Bidi bidi bom bom
Bidi bidi bom
Bidi, bidi, bidi♪

The cartoon couple begins to dance together in the center before a picture of Miguel appears on the right side of the screen. "The song is this super famous singer from the 90s-" the boy begins to explain before Tory interrupts him. "Shh!" she shushes him, wanting to watch the video. Miguel is taken aback by this but stays quiet, watching the video as well.

♪Cada vez
Cada vez que lo veo pasar
Mi corazón se enloquece
Y me empieza a palpitar
(Bidi bidi bom bom)♪

[Each time
Each time that I see him go by
My heart goes crazy
And it begins to beat]

A photo of a smiling Selena appears on the left side of the screen. Tory is instantly disheartened, her grin dropping. She looks away from the screen and glances at Miguel. "Is that-" she begins to ask. "Yeah, it's my friend, Selena. You met her! She told me about it," the boy answers, smiling. Tory merely nods, the sad expression still on her face as she turns back to the computer. The cartoon dancers twirl off-screen and the two pictures slide to the center, now side-by-side. "Oh, wait, watch this right here," Miguel pipes up, leaning closer to the laptop.

♪Y se emociona
Ya no razona
No lo puedo controlar
(Bidi bidi bom bom)♪

[And it becomes excited
It no longer reasons
I can't control it]

The screen changes to a photoshopped picture of Bad Bunny holding a sign that says: "will you go out with me?" Miguel explains, "Selena loves Bad Bunny. Like loves him. She got me into his music too and we listen to him together all the time." He grins fondly as he speaks. The truth is he got into his music because he found out Selena liked it, but this sounds better.

"Oh, and the song is by her other favorite singer, Selena. She was named after her," he adds, chuckling. Tory only nods once again. The video ends and Miguel looks up at the blonde. "So what do you think?" he asks hopefully. "I think... you should delete that. Put it in the trash, empty the bin, and have your laptop cremated," Tory answers.

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