Chapter 55: Lovey Dovey Daniel

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Y'ALL LOOK AT THIS VIDEO I FOUND ON YT LMAO. ^ Cap and Johnny is a duo I never knew I needed 😂💀

Cute Rosaniel content up ahead‼️ <3



Miyagi-Do Dojo

Selena is in the back with the class, leading warm-ups. They really left me to do this alone so they could go make out, she thinks, referring to Sam and Robby. She doesn't mind leading warm-ups by herself, she's done it in school and at the studio for dance. Plus, she's hoping to become the Colonel for the Scarlet Steppers so this is great leadership practice. "Okay, good job, guys!" she calls out when she wraps up the warm-up. All the boys scatter about to chat and practice their moves while the girl whips out her phone, grinning when she sees a text from Miguel.

"Hey, guys, check it out!"

Selena's head snaps up at the sound of Demetri's voice. She and the boys walk over to him as he picks something up from a rock. At this moment, Sam and Robby open the canvas doors and exit the dojo. "Look what I found," Demetri announces, looking at Selena. "It was just sitting in these rocks," he describes. Selena glances at Robby, who looks back with guilty eyes before averting his gaze. Oh, God, and the lie just gets bigger, she thinks. "Oh, my gosh! You found it," she tells Demetri as she takes the medal from him. She hates that she's feeding into Robby's lie but she doesn't want to rat him out either.

Sam walks over and looks at the item in her cousin's hand. "Is that Mr. Miyagi's Medal of Honor?" she questions. The brown-eyed girl nods and hums in confirmation. "That's crazy. We looked all over for this," Sam comments as she takes the medal from her and examines it. She beams at Selena, who forces a smile back. "I know! Thank goodness we finally found it," she joyfully responds. Sam nods and turns to Robby with a grin. "Huh. Must have been here the whole time," he remarks. The blue-eyed girl looks down at the medal with a smile.

Selena shoots Robby a pointed look, making him discreetly shake his head and send her a pleading look. Her eyes fall on Sam, who looks so happy about finding the medal. Sam is one of the sweetest people she knows, so she feels horrible about lying to her. She's torn apart between her and Robby. She wants to be a good friend to Robby but at the same time, she doesn't want to lie to Sam.

Additionally, ever since her late-night chat with Robby, she's started to wonder if Miguel would "earn points" with her cousin if she knew that he returned the medal. She sort of doubts that Sam still has feelings for him but she could be wrong. Selena hasn't told Sam that she likes Miguel because he's her ex and she's scared of how she'll react but now, the thought of Sam still having feelings for him heightens her fear. Now she's keeping two secrets from her. I'm a terrible person, she thinks.


LaRusso Luxury Motors

Rosalía makes a beeline to her office, smiling kindly at people as she passes by them. She glances up, slowing her pace when she spots open pizza boxes and red roses in a vase on her desk. A smile dances on her lips as she walks in, knowing exactly who's responsible for the sweet gesture. When she gets closer, she sees two heart-shaped pepperoni pizzas and an ultimate chocolate chip cookie. "Wow," a familiar voice pipes up, making her turn to see Daniel by the door.

"Is that lunch from Pizza Hut? And look at that. They're even shaped like hearts," he adds, walking over and pointing at the pizzas. Rosalía grins bashfully as she observes him. "Who could've gone through the trouble?" her husband playfully asks. The woman giggles. She scans the food and the roses before glancing at the man with a surprised smile. "Wha... what's all this for?" she asks him. "What, you don't like it?" Daniel replies. "Oh, no, I'm gonna devour this shit," Rosalía claims, making him chuckle.

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