Chapter 105: Finish the Fight

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Reseda Strip Mall

Daniel drives into the parking lot like a maniac, roughly pulling into a parking space. Rosalía and Selena's bodies thrust forward due to the force. They wanted to tag along to make sure that Daniel wouldn't end up getting himself into a situation he can't come back from. "Stay here. Both of you," he commands as he throws his seatbelt off and opens his door.

"What? Daniel–"


The two women begin to protest when the man interrupts them. "I'm serious. Selena, you just got out of a fight and I don't want either of you to get hurt. You know how dangerous this man is, just let me handle it. Please," he sternly commands, turning to make eye contact with them both. They can both tell how stressed and furious he is. After a brief moment of silence, they finally reply, "okay." Daniel nods, relieved that they decided to listen. He doesn't want to put them in harm's way. "Okay. Stay here," he orders as he climbs out of the car.

The mother-daughter duo watches as he storms all the way to the Cobra Kai dojo, feeling a bit nervous for him. They know he can take care of himself just fine, but they also know that Kreese is insane and would not hesitate to severely injure him. "Why'd he have to park so far away?" Rosalía suddenly blurts, taking note of the distance between their car and the dojo. Selena shrugs. "I don't know. He wasn't thinking, he just drove straight into the parking lot," she replies. She looks around the empty lot, noticing a van in front of Cobra Kai.

She squints her eyes to get a better look, making out the eagle with fangs on the side of the van. She perks up, knowing who the vehicle belongs to. "Hey, that's Johnny's van!" she announces, pointing out the window. Her mother turns to see what she's looking at, spotting the van. "Oh, God. That means he's here too... for the same reason your dad is," she assumes, turning to the teenager. Selena gazes back with a serious look. I'm guessing he saw Miguel, she thinks. "Do you think they're fighting Kreese together right now?" she asks.

Rosalía shakes her head and sighs. "I don't know. Hopefully. They'd stand a better chance together," she responds. She nervously shakes her leg. She doesn't like knowing that her husband is in the dojo with that psychopath. Although if Johnny is there too, perhaps they can watch each other's backs. 

Selena nods, completely agreeing. Out of the blue, someone knocks on the window of the driver's side, startling the two women. "AH," they shriek, flinching and turning to the window to see Miguel. "It's Miggy!" Selena voices before briskly pushing the door open and climbing out.

As soon as she does, she's immediately engulfed in the boy's arms. "Sel!" Miguel calls as he wraps his arms around his girlfriend. "Hey," the girl returns with as much urgency as him. They lightly sway from side to side as they hug, the boy caressing Selena's hair. They eventually pull apart and Miguel pipes up, "I saw your dad's car but I wasn't sure if it was actually his, and then I saw your mom inside... Sorry I scared you guys." He gives a small nervous chuckle, making the girl grin. "It's fine. Why are you here?" she questions.

"Sensei left the apartment all mad. I wanted to make sure he's okay," her boyfriend answers. Selena nods. "Same with my dad... How are you feeling? Does it hurt too bad?" she worriedly queries, examining his wounds. The boy grins at her concern. "Not as much," he answers. Rosalía then gets out of the car, gaining the teens' attention.

"Hi, Mrs. Juarez LaRusso," Miguel politely greets her. The woman smiles but her face instantly falls when she notices his face. "Hi– Oh, my God. Are you okay?" she worriedly asks upon seeing his condition. "Yeah, I'll be fine," Miguel answers, offering the woman a grin. Sadness washes over Rosalía as she observes the boy.

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