Chapter 43: Everybody Makes Mistakes

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I know Cobra Kai is behind and not in 2022 yet, but if it were, this would be Selena's anthem (Rosalía would love it too ofc). I'm obsessed with this song, it's such a bop 😍 Ladies, gentlemen, & nonbinary individuals... the person you've been waiting for finally makes her debut in this chapter 😏



The three teens lay on pool chairs. Sam and Robby lay on their stomachs while Selena lays on her back, messing with a rubberband she found on the ground. She pulls on it and accidentally lets it go, making it fly through the air. She suddenly hears Sam yelp, "ow!" She snaps her head to her right, seeing Sam rubbing her side. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Selena apologizes, slightly laughing when she realizes she accidentally flicked Sam with the rubber band. "Haha," Sam mocks her laugh. As she turns her head forward again, her eyes shift up, landing on Aisha and a blonde girl standing on the second-floor balcony. Selena follows her line of sight, spotting them as well."What's going on?" Robby questions upon noticing Sam's face. 

She glances at him and replies, "it's Aisha. We haven't spoken since everything that went down at Valley Fest," she states. Selena purses her lips, wishing they would just talk so the three of them could be friends again. "I feel like we should clear the air but at the same time, I'm still pissed at them for ruining our performance," Sam explains. Selena turns on her side to face the two. "I talked to her, we're good," she chimes in, making them turn to her. "You definitely should too, it'll really help," she advises her cousin. Robby nods in agreement. "Yeah, I say go talk to her. Worst case, if a fight breaks out, we could record it," he jokes.

"It's a win either way!" Selena chirps, throwing her hands up. Sam laughs at this. "Will you come with me?" she asks her. Selena nods. "Yeah, of course, Clamantha," she assures her. Her cousin lightheartedly rolls her eyes. "Not that nickname again," she grumbles, making Robby chuckle. She turns to him and comments, "who knows? Maybe we'll come back with a new Miyagi-Do student" as she gets up. She grabs her cover-up dress before walking off while Selena sits up. She catches Robby staring at Sam as she walks away. "Why're you looking at my cousin's ass?" she speaks up. The boy's head rapidly snaps to her.

"What? I- I wasn't, um-" he stammers, nervously chuckling. Selena starts laughing as she stands up and slips her cover-up on. "Chill, I'm just messing with you. There's no crime for looking," she scoffs. She approaches him and bends down to his level, looking him dead in the eye. "As long as it's respectfully," she warns before following after Sam. The two girls head up to the balcony and find Aisha at the food table. Aisha sees them coming but turns back to the table as if she didn't see them– well, Sam. "Hey," Sam speaks up as she and Selena grab a plate and stand next to their childhood friend. "Hey," Aisha returns without turning to her.

Selena stays quiet, just wanting them to resolve their issues. "So, how's it going?" Sam speaks again. Aisha scoffs, already bored of this. "You realize we're not okay," she points out, finally gazing at Sam. "What are you mad about? You guys are the ones who stomped all over our Valley Fest demo," the blue-eyed girl retorts. Aisha turns to her with a pointed look. "Only after your uncle attacked our dojo," she fires back. "I thought we already talked about this. That's got nothing to do with us," Selena finally speaks when her father is brought up. Aisha looks at her. "Right, sorry," she sighs before focusing on Sam. "What were we supposed to do?"

"He didn't attack you guys," Sam claims. He so did but I'm not gonna say anything, Selena thinks. "No? 'Snake in the grass?' Real subtle. At least Selena acknowledges that he did," Aisha retaliates before going back to filling up her plate. Oh, crap, she brought me into this, Selena thinks, keeping her gaze forward to avoid looking at the girls. "He's just trying to do the right thing," Sam defends her uncle. Aisha rolls her eyes before looking at her. "What, so Cobra Kai is wrong?" she questions, irritated. It's weird, Selena thinks. "It's not wrong, it's just..." Sam trails off. Aisha gazes at her expectantly.

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