Chapter 46: What a Sweet Soul

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Miyagi-Do Dojo

"I don't know if we'll ever use this in a fight but if we're ever forced into a dance battle, we're set," Robby remarks as he, Selena, and Sam practice the wheel technique in the pond. The girls laugh at this. "Please, if this was the choreography, we'd lose," Selena responds, causing the other two to laugh. Sam suddenly loses her balance. "Ooh!" she yells as she starts to fall back. Robby quickly reaches forward and catches her arm, keeping her up. Selena grins when she sees them smile at each other. "Uh, hey, are we doing shirts versus skins? 'Cause I prefer to be a shirt," Demetri calls to them.

He looks at the two girls and adds, "not saying that either of you has to be a skin. Uh, unless you want to. I support your right to choose." While he's talking, the cousins just nod as they give him a weird look before turning to each other. In the background, Daniel and Rosalía walk outside with Camila and Adrian. The woman just arrived with the kids after picking Adrian up from soccer practice. He and his little sister wanted to go to the dojo so here they are now. The girl runs over to the pond and yells, "Hi, Robby!" The boy turns and sees her waving at him. He grins and waves back. "Hi, Camila," he sweetly replies before resuming his practice.

Selena and Sam chuckle as they watch Camila beam before running off. "Aw, Robby, your girlfriend's here," Selena teases the boy, making Sam laugh. Everyone knows the child has a crush on Robby, she became more attached to him once he moved in. Robby sends her a smile that says: shut up. "Stoppp," he replies. "She didn't even say hi to us," Sam points out. "Robby stole all her love. She doesn't care about us anymore," Selena jokes. Robby chuckles and shakes his head, making the girls laugh. Meanwhile, Rosalía stands with Daniel, smiling as she observes her two youngest playing together.

"Alright," the man suddenly sighs, making his wife turn to him. She can tell he's a bit worried about today's lesson with his new student. Teaching Demetri has been challenging for Daniel since the boy seems reluctant to learn. Rosalía grabs onto his sweater, running her thumbs over the open zipper. "You got this, Sensei. It'll just take a little longer than it did with your other students but he'll learn... because you're a great teacher," she assures him, patting his chest. Her husband smiles, feeling inspired by her words. "Better than you?" he teases. The woman raises her eyebrows as she gives him a pointed look.

"That is hilarious. You are nowhere near my level," she fires back, making Daniel chuckle. He plants a kiss on Rosalía's forehead and she gleams, feeling her heart leap. She glances up at him, both of them smiling adoringly when their eyes meet before Daniel walks off toward the wooden deck by the fence. "Demetri," he calls once he's standing on the deck, making the boy whirl around. The man waves him over and says, "over here." The boy goes over to him. "Hey, Mr. L, before we begin..." he trails off as he stops in front of Daniel, reaching into his pocket. Rosalía watches curiously, wondering what he's going to say.

He pulls out a folded piece of paper and hands it to his sensei. "What's..." the older man trails off as he takes it, looking at Demetri quizzically. "It's a note from my mom excusing me from any extensive arm and leg movements," the boy informs, making Daniel look down in slight annoyance. Which is basically everything in karate, Rosalía thinks as she approaches them and takes the note from her husband to read it. "So, uh, if there's an alternative lesson I could do... maybe a workbook," Demetri continues. The woman eyes him with a quirked eyebrow before she and her husband share a look. She can tell he's trying to swallow his frustration.

Daniel turns to Demetri and ignores his request. "Show me 'sand the floor," he instructs. "You want me to sand it again? It's- it's pretty smooth," the boy whines. "No, no, not actually..." Daniel is about to explain, gesturing to the floor before falling silent. "He means the movement, kiddo," his wife clarifies for him. Demetri nods, finally understanding. "Yes. Show me the movement. Remember?" Daniel confirms, nodding and grinning encouragingly at his new student. He gets into a fighting stance, the boy doing the same, only more clumsily. Rosalía backs up to give them room to train and so Demetri won't feel uncomfortable by her watching from so close.

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