Chapter 79: The Town That Time Forgot

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It feels like it took me forever to write this episode but it's finally done and I am so happy about these next few chapters! The number of emotions I felt while writing LOL, I've been waiting for this. Don't let me down, y'all 😅




Rosalía and Daniel sit at the bar and turn around when they hear cheering, witnessing a group of businessmen making a toast and cheerfully drinking together. Small frowns sit on their faces, feeling their chests clench a bit when they see the men. It's nice that they're celebrating, they're happy for those men. However, they wish they had something to celebrate as well. They turn to each other and give one another a small sad smile before taking long sips of their scotch. Things didn't go their way. Daniel presented a strong argument but the Doyona board didn't budge.

The CEO claims that their separation from LaRusso Auto isn't only about sales. They are trying to avoid negative PR. Rosalía takes another swig of scotch before setting her glass down and glancing at her husband. "So what now?" she asks, the despondency clear in her voice. Daniel flickers his eyes to her, noticing her disillusioned state. He's feeling the same way but he hates seeing her like this. He doesn't want either of them to lose hope, although he is aware of how their situation is looking right now.

"There's gotta be another way to convince them. I know there's an answer out there and we're gonna find it, okay?" he assures his wife, grabbing her hand. Rosalía just gazes at him with anxious eyes. She's terrified of what might happen. "Hey," the man whispers, lifting her hand to his lips and pressing a kiss to her knuckles. "Everything will be fine. We're going home with a yes, don't worry," he claims, trying to comfort her. The woman sends him a weak grin. She knows he's not certain of his own words.

Just by looking into his eyes, she can tell that he's afraid and has no idea what to do. "Daniel, it's okay to not know what to do. I don't know what to do. You don't have to put on a brave face for me," she tells him, stroking the back of his hand with her thumb. The man sighs. He knows she can always see right through him but he just wanted to console her, knowing how stressed she is. "I know, just... I figured if I appeared confident, it'd help you feel better," he admits. When one of them is calm, it helps the other calm down as well.

The woman squeezes his hand. She loves how he's still trying to make her feel better even though he's freaking out as well. Normally, the pair is confident in what they do. Everyone usually turns to them for answers and oftentimes, they'll have one. There are many times when Daniel is reeling about something and Rosalía knows exactly what to do to solve the problem. Other times, the roles are reversed and Daniel is the one helping her out. This time though, neither of them has an answer. They feel stuck.

Rosalía's phone vibrates on the counter and she picks it up, seeing a text from her eldest daughter. "What is it?" her husband questions as he watches her typing. "It's just Aaliyah, she's checking up on us," the woman answers. She goes to the home screen and her eyes land on the Photos icon. She taps on it and grins as she starts scrolling through her camera roll. She taps on an old photo of her, Daniel, and their homies from 1984. She lightly chuckles and sets the phone on the counter so her husband can see it too.

"Look," she laughs, showing him the picture. Daniel leans closer to see it, chuckling when he does. "Oh, God, look at us," he comments. They continue swiping through the photos, including ones of them with their children when they were younger. They land on a picture of them with a smiling Mr. Miyagi from 1985. They stop swiping, wanting to look at this picture a little longer. They've never stopped missing Mr. Miyagi but lately, they've been missing him more than ever. Rosalía reaches up and takes the cherry blossom pendant hanging over her chest between her fingers.

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