Chapter 59: Heaven

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I will tell you when to play the song ^ ☺️



"I mean, running into an ex, in general, is always weird. Especially when that ex is now dating someone you don't like. I'm sure that's all it is for her, you know?" Selena claims. Robby nods. "Yeah, probably... Um, I'm gonna go get something to drink and find Sam. I'll see you, okay?" he voices. "Oh, yeah, for sure," Selena responds. Robby pulls her into a quick side hug before skating away to the concession stand.

Selena returns to her friends and skates around the rink for a while before they decide to sit down. "I'm starving, let's get food," Isaac pipes up as they start to make their way to the side, to which the others agree. Selena notices Sam and Robby standing by a bench. They begin walking when Tory suddenly rolls up and harshly elbows Sam, causing her to fall to the floor.

The friend group halts upon witnessing this. "Did you guys see that??" Ximena pipes up. "Yeah," the others respond, watching in shock. Oh, she did not just do that to my cousin, Selena thinks, becoming upset. She skates over to them as Sam scrambles back to her feet but stops in her tracks when Sam speedily skates behind Tory and trips her, causing her to yelp and collapse to the floor. Selena's jaw drops as she watches the food on the tray Tory was holding fly up then fall all over her. All the bystanders go, "ooh" as they see this.

Selena would be lying if she said she didn't think Tory deserved that. Miguel suddenly rolls over, seeing the blonde on the floor. "What the hell, Sam?!" he exclaims, bending down to help Tory. Selena's head snaps to him and she knits her eyebrows together. "What? Me? I- She's the one-" Sam stutters when the security guard shows up. "Are you okay, Tory?" he asks the blonde. Tory grimaces and holds her head as Miguel helps her sit up. "Thanks," she says, looking at him innocently. Selena rolls her eyes.

Y después se hace la inocente [and then she acts like she's innocent], she thinks. "Alright, you're done. You're out," the security guard tells Sam, pointing to the exit. "She's the one who started it!" Robby shouts angrily, pointing at Tory. "You're out!" the security guard rapidly repeats. Sam and Robby turn to walk away, the blue-eyed girl looking at Tory as she does so.

Selena eyes her as well, noticing the evil smirk she's giving her cousin. This makes her blood boil. If there's anything she hates, it's snakes... and that's what Tory is proving herself to be. Sam and Robby finally walk away and Selena turns to her friends behind her, shaking her head.

"Mejor vámonos. Esta pinche diabla ya arruino todo. [Let's just leave. This fucking she-devil ruined everything]," Selena voices, shaking her head. Miguel is standing beside Tory, a few feet away from her. He hears her and gives her a stunned look.  Is she talking about Tory? He wonders. Selena snaps her head to him, giving him a stone-cold expression.

She doesn't care that he heard her, she's really mad at the blonde right now. "Solo porque te hace carita de ángel no quiere decir que es inocente [Just because she makes an angel face at you doesn't mean she's innocent]," she warns him in a mocking and angry tone.

With that, she spins around and starts to walk off. She halts when she sees the security guard and turns to him. "Security cameras are a thing, you know? Just saying. Might be useful. Oh- look, there's one right there," she sasses, pointing to a camera on the wall. She turns back around and continues walking.

I can't believe I thought this bitch was cool. Her friends follow, giving Tory and Miguel dirty looks as they pass by them. Vanessa turns and walks backward as she sasses, "I am leaving this place a nasty review on Google, by the way. Specific employees are violent toward customers."

Miguel sighs as he watches Selena bust out the door. He didn't see what happened. All he saw was Tory on the floor and Sam standing over her. Tory is aggressive sometimes so she may be the one who sparked the conflict. Selena's words are ingrained in his mind now. He doesn't like the thought of her disliking Tory.

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