Chapter XII

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*Am nt ok, am nt ok at all*

I knew Murewa's number was going to come in handy. I needed to talk to someone. Teddy wasn't in the mood, even during closing hours, she just went home, without saying a word to me.

Demilade didn't come to apologize, infact she's playing the pity card.

I'm here, all alone lying on the bed with tears running down my plump cheeks. I've been crying for hours now.

Funniest part is I used to watch Nollywood alot, especially African magic Igbo. It's always about the protagonist been suffered by their aunt or uncle. I never thought it would happen in real life but now I can relate.

*What's wrong?*

I never thought I'd be explaining all my problems to Murewa. I just hope I don't regret.

*Lng story cut shrt, I live with my aunt nd am been maltreated*

Why did I even type that ehn?

I scream into my pillow. I bet Bolu and Demilade heard me.

*Lmao. You're funny asf.*

What's so funny in what I typed earlier. I'm starting to regret ever telling him. I put off my data connection and my phone. I feel like an idiot for ever coming to him.

The best thing to do right now is to cry away all my sorrows.

*******************The next day.

"Yesterday, the social prefect posted the tutoring list on the notice board."

The proprietress is standing before us this morning in the hall  addressing us.

She looks just like Murewa, fair and tall. She looks strict too. For some weird reason, I fear her.

"Note that this tutoring should not be taken for granted, when I mean taken for granted I mean it shouldn't be an avenue for nonsense but an avenue to learn." She continues.

I know what she means by 'Avenue for nonsense', I bet all the students here understand too.

"Also, by fifth week after the tests, there will be an upcoming field trip....."

The students don't even let the proprietress complete her sentence, they roar in cheers. What's a field trip and why are they so excited?

"SILENCE!" The principal, Mr Olumide yells from behind.

Some students grumble while the obedient ones keep quiet.

"I, the teachers and the board of Ambassadors are still working on it but after the test, we will get back to you all. Good morning and have a wonderful day." The proprietress says walking away. The hall is filled with loud applauds and cheers for the proprietress.

The Chapel Ambassador, Hannah and some other girl (The assistant Chapel Ambassador) walk towards the podium in front of us students.

"Marching in song from JSS3." The assistant Chapel Ambassador yells. I used to know her name but I forgot.

"The day is bright
Its bright and fair
Oh happy day
The day of joy
Today is bright
Its bright and fair
Ooooooo, happy day....."

I feel this sudden urge to shout 'Mama jollof rice' but then I remember this isn't my old school, Ijemo Titun high school.

Each class slowly March out of the hall and when it gets to my turn to March out, someone from behind grips me by my wrist tight.

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