Chapter 5

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After a while I arrived at a restaurant that was near the hills and I climbed out, a big smile on my face as I saw Michael. He was waiting until I stepped out, his face with a serious pokerface, but the moment he noticed it was me, the biggest smile appeared on his face. I ran up to him excited, jumping up, my arms around his neck and I pressed my lips onto his. He kissed me back right away, before putting me down.

"Hey." He whispered as I pressed another peck on his lips. "How are you doing?"

"Good. How are you?" I said with a huge smile looking at him and he giggled.

"I'm great." I replied. "How are you? What are we doing?" I asked excited and he giggled as he had his hands on my shoulders.

"We're going to have a lunch and just talk." He said and I nodded at that with a huge smile as he grabbed my hand, my heart fluttering at that feeling, as he looked at my jacket for a second and I realised that I was still wearing Matthews jacket and my eyes widened.

"Fuck-" I started and he giggled.

"It's fine. If you give it to me, I'll give it to Matt tonight." He said and I nodded slowly as we arrived at the place we were going to have lunch. For the next three hours we laughed and talked about everything and nothing really, and every now and then a peck was shared. It really was an amazing date and I didn't want to leave. He didn't want me to leave either, which was immensely obvious by the fact that he kept kissing me, just like Matt did, but the effect was different on me with Mike.

"Can I call you Mike from now on?" I whispered against his lips and he giggled at that a bit.

"Sure. Don't tell my brothers though." He whispered back and I laughed at that as I hugged him and he held onto me.

"We do have a lot of secrets."

"Yeah, although Matt knows about our kiss. Twin connection, he saw it the moment I walked up to him." He said and I giggled at that.

"Do you and Matt have a twin connection or what?" I asked and he looked at me with a huge smile, as the car was waiting.

"Sort of but not really, we just know how the other is feeling because well, we're brothers and we know one another. It's not like Eddie and Eric."

'What about them?" I asked curiously and he giggled.

"They can feel each others physical pain and when one is experiencing pretty heavy emotions, the other one knows about it." He said and I frowned looking at him. "Ask them, as I'm sure you're going to one of them. I would ask Eddie about it though." He said touching my nose.

"Are you allowed to give me advice?"


"I thought you were all about rules?" I asked giving him a kiss and he giggled.

"Obviously, but I am the one that is going to break them all, what's the point of being a king, if I can't break the rules in secret every now and then. And, Matthew can't do shit to me." He said and I laughed very loudly at that.

"Eddie and Eric could though."

"Edward and Eric." He corrected.

"King Edward and King Eric." I corrected him and he laughed at that pressing another kiss onto my lips, it being a deeper kiss.

"They can't do shit to me, I am Matthews twin brother and best friend." He whispered and I giggled at that a bit as I gave him a couple of more pecks. "Speaking of which, I don't want to keep Eric or Eddie waiting."

"Why? They can't do shit to you?"

"That is true, but I also have to have another date whom is arriving at any moment." He whispered and I made a farting sound and he laughed at that and I giggled as well giving him a couple of pecks before I climbed into the car again.

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