Chapter 131

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Everyone had been talking, but suddenly everyone was quiet and they all looked at Oliver and Oliver had his arms crossed and he was staring at me. I stared at him with a bit of shock, that he would do it so openly. Matt finished chewing his food before turning his head to Oliver.


"Who hurt you?" Oliver demanded looking at me. "Your eyes show me that you're hurt, that you're in pain, that you're heartbroken." He said looking at me. "It's not Mike, whenever you miss Mike you're empty, your eyes show an emptiness rather than sadness." He said looking at me. "You don't scream in pain and are unable to stop screaming when you're in physical pain, only when you're in mental pain. Eric told me you mentioned Mike during the screaming, that you wanted to be with him and Lottie." He said and Danny snapped her head to me now. "So, tell me, who hurt you?"

"I-" I said shaking my head looking at him and he kept looking at me. "Don't do this right now please."

"No." Oliver replied coldly towards me, but I knew that that coldness wasn't meant for me, but rather my husbands. "No." He said firmly.  "I am doing this right now." I shook my head towards him right away. 

"I don't want to do this right now, I just gave birth, I don't have the energy to do this now."

"Own up to it then." Oliver said looking at his three elder brothers. "Who hurt her and who do I have to hurt in the process?" He said and Eric stared at Matt and Eddie, Eddie stared at Matt and Eric, and Matt stared at Eric and Eddie. "They don't know that you've hurt them then, that's clear. Or they're just a really good actor, but then again, I know for a fact that if they knew, and Matt knew, he'd snitch at one point, so is it Matt?"

"It's not Matt." Danny said dryly looking at Oliver. "She wouldn't sit next to Matt if she was hurt by him." She said to Oliver and Oliver kept looking at me.

"Stop this please." I begged looking at Oliver.

"Then it isn't Eric either, she played with his beard." Willow said in a way too happy voice and I took a deep breath.

"Please just stop this." I begged Oliver and Matt was looking at Eddie now and Eddie was staring at me confused.

"So it's Eddie. What did you do?" Oliver said and Eddie frowned looking at me, and I stared back at him for a second, before looking away from him.

"He didn't do anything, not that I know of at least." Eric said looking at Eddie. "Or did you?"

"I don't know, no I don't think so?" Eddie said and he was staring at Eric. "I don't remember?"

"Did you hurt her?" Matt said coldly towards Oliver, making Oliver frown. "she was on the phone with you before?" Matt then said and I leaned against the couch.

"Please stop." I begged again, but they weren't listening.

"No? We just talked about if Seglusas realm is real, about missing Mike, about being awesome, about how great things are going with the three of you, but she did mention she was feeling weird." He said to me.

"Please stop." I repeated.

"She's asking us to stop, shouldn't we stop?" Samuel stated, but Willow put her hand on his arm as if to shut him up and I looked at Oliver now whom stared back at me, with his eyebrows raised. I gave him a pleading look, but he didn't listen to it. I grabbed the crisps that were currently laying here and I took a bite of them as Matt was looking at me.

"What about Seglusa's Realm?"

"We were just thinking if we were really going to see Mike and Lottie again. She missed him and whenever she misses him, she misses me." Oliver said and Matt nodded looking at me.

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