Chapter 47

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The hours after that was pure torture, I had slept for a bit, I think?

I thought this because suddenly the speakers went back on and I heard the men talking. I blinked a couple of times before I looked up and they dragged Mike back in. I stood up right way, my hands against the glass, smacking against it. They threw Mike onto the floor and connected the chains to his feet. He was laying there and the tears that were forming was blocking my view. I blinked and wiped them away. He was laying there in the foetus position; no. He couldn't be dead right? 


They wouldn't do that to me. 

They wouldn't do that to Locatlie. 

They wouldn't have the balls. 

My eyes luckily confirmed my suspicions; I saw his chest going up and down. I then saw his arm, and it had been- it was as if a doctor had helped him. It was stitched up. His arm went to just below his shoulder. They had cut off his whole arm and I didn't understand why?

I smashed against the glass over and over again, ignoring what the guys were saying, but suddenly all men stared at me and I stopped. 

Their faces were masked, but their eyes, their eyes all showed me what they wanted. 


They walked out of the room and I kept screaming Mike over and over again, I wanted him to see me. 

I needed him to see me.

But then the door of my place opened, and not the door in between our glass, as I had looked at that and smacked against that over and over again in the past hours as well. I turned around and I kept put by the window.

"It seems that the Queen of the apes wants attention?" The man said and I looked at him and I was angry, full on pissed. "Well, you'll get the attention now."

They beat me, they burned me, they cut me, they did things to me that hurt, that hurt so much and I wanted to be quiet. Because as they turned me around, I saw that Mike had scooted up towards the glass window, he was laying there, and his face was red, he had his hand of his remaining arm against the window and he was full on sobbing. He was white, fully white, in pain, but there were red places all over his body from the crying. 

I had to remain strong for him. 

He flinched when I screamed in pain when they cut off my hair. 

I didn't scream because they cut off my hair, that was just- it could grow back, but they also cut the top of my head while doing so. I then realised that they had put his speakers on as well; he could hear everything I was saying.

"I can take it." I then screamed as loudly as I could as I looked at Mike.

"I hoped you would say that." The guy said and I frowned at that before he ripped off the shirt I was wearing. 

Fuck no.

 Fuck no. 

I tired to fight, I really tried to fight, but it was no use. 

I didn't want to look at Mike while they were doing this to me, I couldn't let him see my pain, my eyes.

But after a while, they grabbed my face and forced me to look at Mike. I looked at him and it seemed like his soul had disappeared behind his eyes, he was frozen in the spot, he was heartbroken, his whole body was shaking and sweating. 

I didn't know if that was only because of what he was seeing; his arm had been cut off mere hours? 


 Weeks? ago. 

It was bad. 

It was bad. 

I looked into his eyes and a single tear rolled down his cheek as he looked into my eyes, before he looked away. 


Look away.

I wasn't allowed to look away though. I had to look at Mike while they hurt me. They told me it was his fault. That he wanted this to happen to me. Mike had laid down now and he was asleep, his eyes were closed and I focused on his breathing. It seemed like they had turned off the speakers; because I couldn't imagine him being able to stay awake for the screams that I was letting out.

This was proven when after about an hour, I think, there was no clock here, he shot up awake as I let out a scream that came from my core, as my body was in such pain. He turned his head towards where I was; I was naked, I was burned, I was cut, I was raped, I was everything. I was everything and it hurt so much. I wanted it to stop. I knew I could stop with just answering questions. 

But I couldn't do that. 

I couldn't betray them.

 I would never betray them.

I looked into Mike's eyes as they hurt me, his brown eyes being my comfort. He was screaming against the glass, it was horrid to see.

All I wanted was to be back by the yacht, with him in my arms.

But that was impossible.

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