Chapter 121

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"Good morning." I yawned some time later, as I had woken up and dressed myself in simple pyjama's and reached the main living room where Eddie, Olivia, Luther, Daniel and Christian were sitting. They were all reading, or doing something on their phones. They looked up at me, showed me a smile, before they continued doing what they were doing. Apart from Eddie whom was staring at me with the biggest childlike smile ever. I walked up towards him and I went and sat on his lap, our chests against one another and I hugged him. I gave him a quick peck, before I sat a bit more socially acceptable. My back against the sideleaning of the couch, my bum on his lap, and my legs over him.

"It is morning, 36 hours later morning, but it is morning." Eddie confirmed looking at me and I nodded staring at him.

"Where are Naomi, Oliver and Charlie?"

"They're coming home later today. Naomi lost a lot of blood remember?" Eddie said and I nodded looking at him as I grabbed a blanket from the basket next to here and threw it over us. "You're still tired?"

"Tired of being tired you know?" I said with a yawn and he nodded looking at me. "Where is Eric?"

"I have no idea." Eddie said and I nodded slowly at that as I grabbed his phone and looked through the report he was reading and he was staring at me with so much intensity, I couldn't concentrate.

"Fine." I sighed and I stood up and he frowned looking at me. "Come on." I said and he was still confused.

"What's going on?"

"Let's go fuck. You're being extremely intense and it's annoying me." I said and he stared at me for a second before staring at Christian whom had a small smile on his face. "Come on." I said and he nodded as I walked with him towards his room and I burst out into laughter as he right away picked me up and threw me on the bed.

After a couple of hours, I had finished showering and I decided to go downstairs and Matt and Eric were there with their parents and I cuddled up with Eric whom did a double take when he was seeing me. I saw that Naomi and Oliver were here too and I smiled very widely looking at them.

"Where is Charlie?" I asked and Naomi smiled looking at me.

"Asleep." She said and I nodded looking at her.

"Eddie coming any time soon or?" Eric asked.

"Yeah. He was annoying me with his intensity so I let him." I said dryly and Eric chuckled a bit at that. "What?"

"You make it sound like a chore."

"O no, it's just an excuse, he was being too hot for my liking, but I can't let him know that, obviously." I said and Eric nodded looking at me with a huge smile on his face and I had the biggest smile ever as I grabbed his face and gave him two long pecks. "You look good. Why do you look good?" I asked him and he stared at me for a couple of seconds trying to process my question.

"I always look good?" Eric said and I nodded slowly at that.

"Yeah no, but there is something extra special about you today." I said.

"It's his shirt." Matt said dryly as he was on his laptop and I looked sideways at Matt. "He's wearing your favourite colour."

I looked at Eric and he was indeed wearing my favourite colour and I looked back at Matt whom had a smile on his face. "Thanks." I said and he nodded as Olivia had a huge smile on her face as well. "I do love that colour on you."

"What is going on?" Eric said dryly staring at Matt now.

"She wants you." Matt replied dryly.

"She just had Eddie for at least 8 hours?" Eric said as Eddie walked in and sat down.

"She's pregnant." Eddie commented dryly and I frowned as Luther right away looked up and I looked at Eric now whom was staring at me in total and utter shock, Matt was too. Wait what? I was shocked too?

"I'm what?" I said.

"Your tits are least a cup size bigger." Eddie said with a smirk. "I noticed when you were standing in front of me naked, hence why I was staring at your tits, not that I normally wouldn't. Then I wanted a thorough inspection, hence why I was being extra intense." He said as Matt was looking at my tits now, even Daniel was. Olivia snapped her fingers in front of Daniels eyes and he blinked and looked at her with an apologetic look.

"So, you assume I'm pregnant?"

"You haven't had your period in like forever either. The last time I remember you being on your period was three weeks before you fucked Matt and Eric for the first time, so that's what? 5 weeks ago. I'm guessing you're at least eight weeks pregnant." He said and I stared at him for a couple of seconds and I blinked.

"And you didn't think of telling me in the privacy of our bed so that I could take a test and then surprise Eric and Matt?" I replied casually looking at him. "And instead brought out the news as if you knew before Eric and Matt?"

"I don't see how they didn't notice, your tits are huge. I thought we all sort of knew but were pretending we weren't because we didn't want to upstage Naomi." Eddie said pointing to Naomi and Naomi and Oliver were both still staring at my tits and I then looked down.

"I- but." I frowned looking at Eddie. "Again, why didn't you mention it to me privately?"

"Was distracted by the tits." Eddie said and I stared at him in total and utter disbelief. I opened my mouth and closed it a couple of times, trying to process what he was trying to say.

"What if I'm not, now everyone expects me to be?"

"You are pregnant. I'm sure of it. Go do a test." Eddie said waving it away.

"And your'e being very chill bout that?" I said carefully and Eddie stared at me now with a small smile.

"Trying to not be too intense, before you know it you're going to attack me for eight hours again." He said with a wink. "And my dick needs rest."

"Eddie, you're a dick sometimes, do you know that?" Oliver said dryly as he shook his head. Someone then walked in and handed me a box and I stared at the box; it was a pregnancy text.

"What the fuck?" I said looking at Eddie now.

"That wasn't me?"

"That was me." Daniel said.

"DANIEL." Olivia said and she stared at Daniel in total and utter disbelief. "Apologise."

"What? She needs it. Go ahead." Daniel said with that Eddielike smirk.

"Was your dad as rude as you those two are?" I asked Luther and Luther stared at Daniel and Eddie for a second before looking at me.

"No, he had to be leader king. Mum would've done this though and he's a mini mum so you know." Luther said and I nodded. "Papa would've done this for sure."

I stood up a bit annoyed and threw the empty box towards Eddie and he stared at me with a lot of confinement. "What's up with her?"

"I think she didn't want us to figure it out like this, if she is pregnant. I'm sure she would've wanted to plan something romantic instead of this." Naomi said as I smashed the door shut and I peed and annoyingly enough, Eddie was correct. It was indeed eight weeks and I stared at that for a couple of seconds and sighed as I threw the pregnancy test away.

I walked back in and I felt everyone staring at me and I went and sat on Matt's lap and hurried my head in his chest and burst out into sobs. Matt took a deep breath as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

"What? I?" Eddie said.

"She was pregnant before, not by her choice, and it was removed, not by her choice either." Matt said. "I'm guessing she is pregnant and she's panicking right now."

"Fuck." Eddie said and I continued to cry. "I didn't know that." He whispered softly. "If I had- I wouldn't have-."

"I know, she knows that too. She's just- She's pregnant." Matt said with a bit of shock. "She's pregnant with the future of this world."


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