Chapter 99

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I woke up some time later in an empty bed and I thought about everything that had happened and I burst out into sobs again. I knew I was laying in Matt's bed, because of the scent and I grabbed his pillow right away to hold onto it. I just couldn't deal with all of this anymore. I just wanted to go back to the time where Mike and Eddie both loved me, and never wanted to hurt me. But that was history, Eddie didn't love me. Eddie didn't even care about me. He hated me. He hated me, he loathed me. I hated it. I missed him so much and in return I hated myself for not going back to him earlier. I hated the fact that I had even gone to Amar for revenge. I hated myself.

But then I thought of something, something that would help me. So I got out of my bed and I walked out of the house towards the flight deck. I was allowed to go to Gotar now; as they were currently in meetings and Eddie wasn't in Gotar.

There was one pilot there, luckily, whom said it was an honour to bring me to Gotar. I asked if he could fly the helicopter to the circle of hell right away and he confirmed the flight plan and we left. I had left my phone in Matt's room, I had left everything there, but I didn't mind.

I looked out at Locatlie while flying, tears streaming, no flowing, no gushing, down my cheeks. It had felt like yesterday that Eddie and I would fly the helicopter, or drive with the motorcycle around Locatlie. But now, he hated me and wanted nothing to do with me.

I arrived in the circle of hell about an hour and a half later and when I arrived there, people were there waiting for me, bowing their head.

"I would like to have Amar." I said calmly towards them and they nodded slowly looking at me as they started getting him ready and I took a deep breath as after a while he was ready for me.

I opened the door and I saw a person hanging there by his arms, or what used to be arms. He had been flayed beyond repair, he wasn't even a person anymore. His eyelids were taken off, his whole face was flayed, he was just one pile of nothing. I stared at him and he stared at me and there was panic in his eyes as I looked at him, and observed his whole naked body. They had taken off his dick, they had- there was nothing left to do really. I could see he was in pain. Good.

I walked back out and asked to have his brother sent to the room, when they asked who, I said the two guys that had come with him, and they understood. I went back to the room and I got their files on a tablet and I saw that they hadn't been tortured as bad as Amar. But then again, Amar had attacked Eddie. I then saw that Christian had done the flaying, and I saw that Eric had broken tens of his bones as punishment. I would feel bad for him, if it wasn't for the fact that he was the reason why my whole life was fucked up beyond repair.

After a while, his two brothers were brought in and they were shaking in fear. They both had some broken bones, they had been beat up, and slashed, but that was it. They stared at Amar and they both started to sob above their gags and Amar saw them and he started to kick, started to fight, but I didn't care about that.

"There is fine." I said calmly towards the people that brought them in and they put them in a sort of triangle formation so they could look at one another. I stared at the three of them for a very long time, and they were sobbing while looking at one another. Good. Feel bad.

I went towards the torture devices and I realised what I could do, to really get my revenge. I couldn't rape them, because I didn't want to touch them, I didn't want to be near them in that capacity. But I could rape them with something else.

So I grabbed three anal things that would open while in them, and I, without any sort of lube, put them in their anus, and one by one they screamed in pain as I injected it, before screaming in more pain as it opened up in them. Good. Feel the pain. As I put that in the three of them, I saw blood trickling down their bums onto the floor. I stared at the three of them for a very long time and they were sobbing while looking at me, they were begging me over their gags to get some sort of relief from the pain. But they would never get that sort of relief, they would live the rest of their lives with pain.

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