Chapter 32

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In the past four weeks, something was missing in my life. I could obviously guess what that was, but I was pretending that wasn't the case. I was pretending that Michael, Edward and Eric were enough for me. I was pretending that I was happy with just the three of them. I was pretending that with every breath that I took, that I wasn't missing Matt. I mean, I knew that Michael, Edward and Eric knew that I missed him. I could see they missed him too. We kept ourselves busy though, as we had the summit to plan. We had security shit to deal with, my concert had to be perfected. The 'hotel' in which all leaders were going to stay, had to be updated and perfected. As the last guests that stayed there, were the Process girls.

Matthew had been in the hospital for a week after the punch-fest of the siblings, before he went to Brusta, to clear his mind or something. His relevation of the sexual abuse broke my heart; just like he had stated beforehand. He was right. It had broken me. The idea that little Matt had been assaulted and he'd actually killed a person, it broke me. But I understood him. I would've done the same thing; I would've killed Matthew, if he wasn't my husband, if he wasn't the leader king of the fucking world.

Yesterday all the guests of the Summit, all the world leaders, had arrived in Locatlie at the airport by our backyard. We had welcomed them all; well we weren't complete; Michael, Edward, Eric and I welcomed them all. Matthew wasn't going to come back to Prangie until tomorrow. At least, thats' what I heard. There was also a possibility that he wouldn't actually show up, but I was fine with that. At least, that's what I told myself.

They were brought to their hotel for the week in cars. It was exhausting, but it was interesting to see all the leaders. Some of them had the fucking audacity to look around, wondering where Matt was, some of them even audibly. Well, if looks could kill, they'd be dead to me.

After that it was time for us to sleep, because tomorrow would be the first actual meeting. I was laying next to Eric and we were laughing and talking about the responses online of all the leaders and shit like that.

The next morning, I went towards my own room where my team was. I was going to be at the meeting, as the only spouse that would be at the wedding. The other spouses would go on a hike, Olivia and the previous kings were leading that.

I put on a pair of brown leather pants and on top of that an orange shirt. I decided to keep my hair loose, not even bothering with it. I walked towards the car, Eddie leaning against the car, awaiting me. He saw me and he whistled and I twirled around laughing as I walked up to him with the biggest smile ever. I put my hands on his chest.

"You look amazing." He said and I gave him two pecks and he kissed me back before laughing as I hugged him. "Let's go inside. Mike and Eric are waiting." He said and I nodded as I climbed in and Eric and Mike were both smiling looking at me. I gave both of them kisses before we drove over towards town hall. We were the last to arrive. My husbands walked out first, and I walked out lastly. I walked with them up the stairs; there were photographers here, and camera's; all of this would obviously be broadcasted.

I walked into the room and I saw everyone staring at the four of us, but I ignored that. I went and sat down on my chair and I saw that there was an extra chair and I looked at Mike and Mike stared back at me. I had wanted to sit down, but if Matt was here, the seating would be different.

Without Matt, it would be; Eddie, Me, Michael, Eric. But with Matt here, it would've normally been; Eddie, Me, Matt, Mike and Eric. But now? I didn't actually want to sit next to him, so we would do; Eddie, Me, Mike, Matt and Eric.

"What do you want to do love?" Michael asked me as I looked at him and he stared back at me.

They had given me my freedom to be the Queen I wanted to be. I was allowed to be on twitter, instagram, I was allowed to be 'free'. I had all the power, I knew that. If I didn't want to sit next to Matt, they would accept and cherish that. They would understand. I wanted to do that too. But at the same time, I was the Queen of Locatlie too. I had a role to play. I knew that there was a lot of tension in the room, I had heard my husbands talk countless times about different kind of threats from all over the world. I knew that a lot of leaders were done with the leadership that we as Locatlie had. If I didn't sit on my own spot, if I didn't show the world I was supportive, they could use that. They could use me the same way they tried to use Queen Julia. I couldn't do that. I was the Queen of Locatlie, I was special. And so, I had to do the role that I had also signed up for. We were in public, so I went and sat on my assigned seat. The one next to Matt. Mike nodded right away, understanding what I was doing. I had talked about my doubts with him last night. He understood me. Obviously he understood me. He was my rock. My everything. The seat between us was empty now, and a lot of leaders were staring at that confused. They were wondering whom would sit there. As it had been made clear to the leaders that they shouldn't expect Matthew to show up.

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