Chapter 80

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The first day had been great, I had gotten on the ski's and decided to take a private class cause I was afraid I wouldn't be able to remember how to ski, but it went better than I expected. For the first week I did take classes, and at night I would read books in the library that was here. It was amazing, I loved being here, it felt like home.

In the second week, on the third night, I was skiing with some of my security, when I saw Matt and his team. "Hey!" I yelled and he looked up and a huge smile appeared on his face as I skied up to him. "This happened before didn't it?" I said with a frown as I took off my goggles and put it on the helmet I was wearing and Matt stared at me and he nodded.

"Yeah. We've had this moment before yes." He confirmed and I looked at his team and there was sadness in their eyes; before I realised I recognised two of them and I frowned.

"Where are Rachel and Romy?" I asked carefully looking at Matt and Matt whom was putting on his gloves, looked up at me and there was some sadness in his eyes. "No." I breathed looking at him and I looked at their two boyfriends; ex boyfriends, and back at him. "They were with us weren't they? They were on the ship?"

"They were." Matt said. "From the information and Intel we've gathered from that time, they were murdered after a year."

"ok." I said carefully and I looked at the two of them. "I'm sorry." I said and they shook their heads.

"It's not your fault. We're happy you're back. They would've wanted that."

"You're turning 32 upcoming year yes? You just turned 31?" I asked Matt and he nodded, not knowing where this was coming from.

"Yes." He confirmed and I nodded carefully.

"Ok. Good." I said with a small smile as I looked at him. "I'm turning 27?"

"You are."

"So we've been together for?" I asked carefully.

"Seven years. We got married when I was 25, we had our fight when I was 26, you were taken when I was 27, and you returned to me when I was about to turn 29." He explained and I stared at him and nodded. "And you've been 'back' so to speak, since past January when I just turned 30."

"So, we've been separated for five years now?" I said carefully and he stared at me and there was some sadness in his eyes.

"No. 4." He said and I nodded again looking at him and I let out a small breath. "Shall we get down, we're all planning on drinking at the pub?"

"Sounds good. Can we take the blue slope though? My legs are a bit tired?"

"Of course. Right lads?" He said and the rest of his and my security team nodded. We skied down and at one point I slipped and I fell, but it wasn't a bad fall. I had gotten worse falls. I sat up right away and grabbed the ski's that had fallen off and was against my body and I placed it on the floor. I put the ski on and I looked down and I saw that Matt was standing halfway through the slope waiting for me to continue. I continued skiing and I arrived where Matt was.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm good." I said and he nodded. "Did you once carry me princess style down the slope?"

"Yes. You fell and the ski's were all over the place. You were very blue according to Eric whom had you that night."

"O ok." I confirmed as we skied towards the pub and when we arrived there, everyone was already there and they were all seated and laughing. Even the security guards were having fun. I smiled as I walked up towards Oliver, as for some reason, I felt most comfortable with him at the moment. He saw me and a huge smile appeared on his face as he raised his arm as he was talking to Lucas and I hugged him from the side.

"How are you?" Lucas demanded and I smiled looking at him.

"I'm good. I'm better than I remembered. How are you?"

"I'm great. It's amazing to see Mateo learn." He admitted and I smiled. "We have mountains with slopes in Efrua as well, so it'll be fun."

"That sounds great." I confirmed looking at him as we talked for hours, everyone getting drunker by the second, which was funny to me. I decided I wasn't in the mood to drink though, well not as much as everyone was.

At one point, I lost Oliver and Naomi both, and a little while later, the two of them walked out of the bathroom. I rolled my eyes at that as I looked ahead and Eddie was staring at them and shaking his head while listening to his aunt talk to him about something.

I walked up towards Eddie and I went and sat on the stool next to where he was standing and he did a double take to me as a small smile appeared on his face. Aunty Isla smiled looking at me as we talked for a bit. Eddie had his hand on the table and I decided to put my hand on his arm, while turning around to talk to Isla a bit better. I kept my hand on his arm though and I put my other hand on his back and scratched it, because I had this weird idea that he used to like that and a small smile appeared on his face as he looked at me, while we were discussing things.

"William!" Isla said after a while and I turned my head and I saw their cousin and I smiled as he saw me and he bowed his head.

"How are your children enjoying the first ski trip?" I asked and William nodded looking at me.

"They love it, they're currently at home though with the nanny." He explained and I talked to him about his children a bit; he was a couple of months elder than Eddie and Eric. He would be the spare; at least I thought so.

"Is he the spare?" I asked Eddie and he frowned looking at me. "As Freya only had daughters, and Isla is next and he's the eldest? Is he the spare?"


"Whichever district?"

"No. He gave up his claim to the thrones when he married his wife." He explained and I frowned looking at William.

"I married her when I was 20 and she was 18." He explained to me with a small smile and I stared at him in interest. "I gave up my chance of the throne when marrying her, because if for some horrid reason all of the Royal cousins of mine would've died, I would have to, along with my little brother and Eli or Finn, I always get them mixed up, rule, and I wouldn't have been able to marry."

"So your little brother, Eli and then Finn are the spares?"

"No." Eddie said and I frowned once more at him. "His little brother, Richard, he's gay. He gave up his right to a throne too."

"Lucas is gay."

"Yes, but we figured out he was full on gay and not bisexual during the war." He explained to me. "And that was different anyhow."

"So, Eli and Finn are spares?" I asked Eddie and he nodded and shook his head. "How does that work?"

"If Eric, Matt or I die, Oliver becomes King of Locatlie, and they all move up one district and Eli runs Cuska." He explained and I nodded. "If one of my siblings whom run a district dies, they all move up and Eli runs Cuska."

"So why isn't he in Cuska? Why is he in Askad?" I asked and Eddie nodded.

"Because Oliver needs the most help with the non security aspects of it." Eddie said. "And because Oliver is the eldest and had first pick for second in command."

"Fair." I said and he chuckled. "But William could still be second in command if he wanted right?" I said and William smiled looking at me.

"He could but he's a primary school teacher and loving his job."

"Ok fair." I said. "No, that does make sense. Never mind."

"It's fine babe." Eddie said and I nodded as I put my hand from his back on his arm and with the other hand I grabbed my drink. I listened to some more conversations before we all went to our houses again.

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