Chapter 72

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I woke up in the middle of the night, why? I had no idea. But I couldn't lay in bed. I was a bit restless. So I grabbed the sweater that was in this closet. When I took it to my nose, I smelled Eric's scent and I smiled at that as I put it on, it coming to under my bum.

I walked through the family wing and after a bit of walking, I heard a voice and I walked past Lucas' room, or rather his office. He was sitting behind the desk on his phone, looking at a tv screen. I didn't want to seem like I was eavesdropping, so I went and stood in the doorway and Lucas looked up and he gave me a small smile as he noticed for me to come in. I walked in and I looked around at the little office he had here. I looked at the pictures and I saw a picture of Lottie and Mike and I grabbed it for a second, sadness creeping over me. I put it back down and I then saw a mini fridge.

 Lucas was still on the phone, talking about something, but I wasn't really listening. I looked at the fridge and I grabbed the bottle of vodka that was here. I turned my head around to Lucas and held up the bottle and he gave me a thumbs up. I grabbed two glasses and I went and sat down in the chair on the other side of the table. Or I was about to, but I then walked towards the door and closed it before I went and sat down. I pulled the sweater I was wearing over my knees after I poured in two glasses. Lucas hung up the phone and we both held up our glass and we took the shot. I then poured two more shots in, both of us chugging it before we said anything. I didn't know why, but I felt like getting drunk. My mind didn't go to places that it shouldn't when I was drunk, or it would, but I wouldn't respond to it. My feelings would be numb, the only feeling I'd get was pure happiness and bliss. I would think everything is funny and that's what I wanted to feel right now.

"We can't get drunk though Kitty." He said as he pulled a face. "We have the summit in a couple of hours."

"Of course."

"No, I'm serious. Matt will kill me if I come to the first public summit meeting immensely hungover, or worse, drunk." He said. "We do have an international and worldwide showing of the summit in six hours." He added and I couldn't help but burst out into laughter, and he laughed very loudly as well.

Somehow that laughter turned into the two of us talking for hours about the past years, we caught up and it was great. While that was happening, we finished one whole bottle together and we were both pretty drunk. He turned on some music after a while, using his phone to connect to his speakers. I grabbed the other bottle of vodka he had in the fridge and I poured in two more glasses before I started to dance and that turned into me giving Lucas a lapdance, why? I had no idea? I think we were trying to see if he would get attracted to women, but he didn't. He didn't get hard, which resulted into the two of us laying on the floor of laughter.

An hour after that we were doing robot dances, he had taken off his jacket and his tie, I had taken his tie and put it around my head. A maid that walked in to clean the place, took pictures of us, us posing like idiots.

"I'm so hot." Lucas stated. "Do you mind if I take off my shirt?"

"You are so hot." I screamed and he laughed very loudly as he took it off and he took off his shoes and pants as well.

"I can't take the sweater off, cause I don't have boobytraps on." I said and he laughed very loudly at that. Then his alarm went off and he walked up to it dancing and we looked at one another.

"It's time for breakfast." He whispered and I nodded looking at him as we walked through the hallway, I was wearing a sweater and a tie over my head, he was only wearing underwear. I was on his back and I had brought the bottle with me. When we arrived the breakfast area I jumped off of his back. "Wait!" I said and he turned around to look at me as we walked in the room, he had brought his speaker as well.

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