Chapter 130

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I had asked for a bed of sorts in the living room area, as I wanted to sit there with my babies, so that had been made throughout me obsessing over them. Eddie then picked me up and brought me to the couch, and I accepted him touching me and I accepted his kiss. He placed me on the couch that was here and there were three little things on the place next to me; this couch was large, it was of the fifth living room or something, it was basically a bed. Matt walked in with both J and M and he placed them on the little things and then Eric put C down.

"Matt." I said patting behind me and he nodded as he went and laid down behind me and I looked at my three little babies, all laying there. Eddie went and sat on the other side with Eric.

Matt rubbed my waist a bit and he was comforting me, but then again he could feel that there was something else going on.

"I want to shower, can I shower, or?" I asked after a while looking at Matt and Matt nodded. "Can you help me?"

"Of course." He confirmed and I nodded as he then picked me up and I smiled a bit at that as he walked with me towards the family wing in silence before he placed me on a bench of sorts under the shower and he started to undress me. "Do you want to talk about it now or?" He said and I stared at him.

"Talk about what?"

"Whatever is going on in your mind, and don't tell me you miss Mike, because even if you do, that doesn't explain the pain in your eyes." He said as I was currently undressed and I took a deep breath as I looked at my belly. I was still swollen of sorts, but not as large anymore. My wound was already healed; but then again we had gotten that scar serum of sorts. I looked back up at him for a second.

"I don't want to talk about it now. I don't- I want to wait until a better time. Is that ok?" I said and he nodded.

"Of course." He confirmed looking at me and he then turned the water on and helped me shower, not even bothered that his clothes were wet and I stared at him while he was doing this with patience. He was so patient, it confused me.

"What changed?" I asked after a while as he was drying my legs and he looked up at me before looking back at my legs.

"In terms of what?"

"You." I said. "You're so patient, you've never been patient. I mean you have, but you get what I mean? Like I remember us having this conversation before, you stating the war or something, but what really changed?" I said and he stared at me for a second and he took a deep breath.

"I lost the two people that loved me unconditionally, I knew I wouldn't get one back and in that moment I promised not only myself, but also Mike whom was up there." He said pointing up and I looked up; before realising he meant Seglusa's realm. "That if you were to come back, that I wouldn't ever hurt you again. That I would support you no matter what. That I would be patient with you, accept you, love you, through whatever. I swore that to my twin bond with Mike." He said and I nodded.

"Do you ever get angry though? Like do I ever do things that make you want to hurt me?" I said and he stood up and he picked me up and placed me on the little couch that was here in the bedroom and he stared at me for a couple of seconds.

"Why? Are you worried about that?"

"No." I said. "And that worries me."

"It worries you that you're not worried about me hurting you?"

"It worries me that you're not in a fighting spirit anymore." I said carefully. "You never fight me on things you used to fight me on." I explained and he stared at me for a couple of seconds and he nodded.

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