New Girl

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Everything starts in a small town which called Aspen. This town is known with winter tourism. In this town winter time is most common time for bussines, such as tourist population hits the peak.

And mom of one of our main characters decided to use this situation. She is a real estate agent who is good at her job. And she moved to Aspen with her daughter in september period. So her 15 yro. daughter starts to Aspen High school where the main story will start.

Chapter 1

Alarm clock rings, Emilie shuts it down and says: "I got 10 mins more", and falls back to sleep. And you know what? She oversleeps. Rose breaks in and shouts: "What the hell are you doing!!!". Emilie pops her eyes up, sees moms mad face and clock. And yells: "Holly shit!!!". Jumps out of the bed, takes her cloths on as quick as possible while her mother yells:

- How can you be late even on first day of school?!

Emilie yells:

- I'm running!!!

Rose yells:

- Where the hell are you running to, you missed the bus! Are you gonna run 6 miles in 5 mins!?

Emilie says:

- Yes!!!

Rose yells again:

- Get in the car! Now!!!

On the road to school Rose keeps

- I can't understand how can you be not excited? New city, new school, new people, new friends, at least it's totally new experiences. And what are you doing? Oversleepin? AWESOME! When I was a...

Emilie interrupts her:

- MOM!!! Please stop, you are telling me billionth time that when you were young, you were an awesome student, and stuff like that, and bla bla blaahh... But I'm not. OK? It makes no sence...

Roses tears are leaking down slowly. Emilie notices and says:

- Ah come on! It's not your fault, it's just what I am.

Rose smiles, vipes her tears and says:

- Of course it's not my fault, it's all cause of your dad.

Emilie smiles and yells:

- Ah stop it!!!

They arrive:

Mom starts rubing her cheeks:

- You're my cinemon pumpkin.

Emilie says:

- Ok, ok, I have to run. Love you!

Runs in to school, gets in front of the class door, takes a deep breath, knocks and opens the door with shy feeling and says:

- Sorry that I'm late, may I get in?

Teacher says:

- Oh, Emilia, sure, of course. I was waiting for you. Where have you been. I hope you haven't been in a trouble.

Emilie says:

- Nothing important. Just an issue with alarm clock.

Teacher says:

- Ok, glad to see you here. Have a sit.

And teacher introduced Emilie:

- Kids, this is Emilia, and she is our new member this year here in our high school....

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