Fairytale is Over

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Dave and Sally had not met until the new year. And all band members recieved a message from Henry before the new year "Recording is booked, be ready 4 days after New Year's Eve.

At the new year night Sally joined them again with Lucys special invitation. They had a lot of fun again all together, they took a lot of selfies, and Jamie posted one of those selfies as instagram story where they are all together. But the thing is that Sally was next to Dave. Of course Emilie will see that and will be upset about.

And at the second day of new year their familie have left. Sally was also there when they were sending them off. And after they drove away Sally turns to Dave and says:

- Well, seems like fairytale is over.

Dave smiles and goes:

- Yea, we need to wait a whole year for next episode.

Sally says:

- Ok, see you at the studio then.

Dave also says:

- See you.

And she drives away too.

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