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One Week Later

Dave disapeared. After four days his parents realised that he also had not showed up in LA too. So Emma finelly calls Jeff by crying:

- Jeffrey, we cant find him, I'm worried about if he has done something stupid.

Jeff says:

- Mom, calm down. He won't do anything like you are expecting.

Emma says:

- How can you be so calm and sure?

Jeff says:

- Cause I probably know where he is. I'll be there tomorrow and will find him. Trust me.

Next Day

Dave wakes up in treehouse with a strong hangover feeling. He gets off his bed and feels so dizzy. So he takes the bottle of whiskey and takes couple sips again. Then he takes off the blanket of the bed where Emilie was sleeping, then he takes his white shirt under that blanket that he was wearing at the prom, then he takes a deep breath of Emilies parfume on his shirt again but after one week her smell is started to get weaker, so he freaks out with that and throws the shirt and takes couple sips more of whiskey. Then he hears the sound of Jeffs T-rex, then he thinks "Fuck!".

Jeff comes in and by saying:

- Hello? Is anybody here?

Jeff sees Dave sitting on his bed with bottle of whiskey in his hand. And he goes:

- Dude, you sweared me that you would not drink without me.

A tiny smile appears on Daves face with that, but still does not talk. Jeff sits next to him and goes:

- So can I have a sip of that too?

Dave gives him the bottle, Jeff gets a sip of that and he goes:

- Well, I know the thing that happened is not the easiest thing, but dude, you have to recover. Do you remember how you were complaining about how unfair the life is. Now you are making life unfair for those who love you. Dude you are a rockstar now! Your fans are waiting for you. Internal Combustion needs you. And there is a lot of people who needs you. And mom... (Dave looks at Jeff) She got so worried about you after you disapeared.

Dave stands up, walks to window, turns back and looks at whiskey bottle. Jeff closes the bottle and says:

- No more whiskey! Go and have cup of coffee. I have some snacks.

After Dave had a shower and they had a breakfast Jeff asks:

- How much you drunk?

Dave barelly talks:

- Just couple sips.

Jeff asks:

- Can you drive?

Dave nods, so Jeff says:

- So lets go.

They go out, get in cars and drive home.

When they arrive home Emma hears their engine sounds and breaks out the house. Dave parks his car and sees how his mom runs to him. Emma hugs him, starts to cry and says:

- Never do that again!

Dave goes:

- Mom, I'm ok. I'm here. Calm down.

Emma says nothing, just smiles. So they get in. Inside Jeff tells Dave:

- He buddy, you better call Henry. All of them are freaking out. Some motherfuckers also spreaded rumors that you committed suicide.

Dave just looks down, then he asks to his mom:

- How about mrs Garcia?

Emma says:

- She said that she needs a break and left the town. We don't know for how long.

Dave says nothing, takes his phone and turns that back on. His phone immediately freaks out with notifications. He just deletes all those notifications and calls Henry. Hanry picks up with half ring:

- Thank God you are alive. Dude I know it's a hard....

Dave interrupts him:

- Henry! I'll be there tomorrow. Everything is ok. I've heard enaugh advice. I'll be there, and I'll keep doing what all of you are expecting from me.

Henry goes:

- Man, nice to hear all that but you better call Sally. She is bad.

Dave says:

- Ok, see yo tomorrow.

Henry says:

- Can't wait

Hangs down.

After that Dave checks his whatsapp messages and sees 12 messages from Sally. He opens that and sees that most of those messages are deleted and just last 5 voice messages are still there:

- Hey Dave, I heard what happened as everyone. I'm so sorry about that. And want to let you know that I'll be always there for you to support.

- Dave, where are you? Please call us as soon as possible.

- (with more messed up voice) Dave please contact us. Make all those rumors wrong.

- (cries and with drunk tone) No please! Are those bastards right? You are a strong man, tell me that you are alive! Tell me that you had not done that?

- (with drunk and a little bit careless voice) I cant handle another loss, I finelly felt this close to someone again. It's like God has a problem with me. He took everyone I loved from me. Seems like I'm cursed. (She totally wastes that) I'm gonna die alo...(Voice message ends right there)

Dave looks at Jeff, then looks to his mom, stands up and says:

- I have to go.

Jeff says:

- I'm comming with you. Lets make a roadtrip together.

Dave says:

- Hey, how about T-rex?

Jeff says:

- I knew that you'd drive back to L.A. alone again so I ordered a transfer.

Dave smiles, throws him the keys and goes:

- You drive first. Let me have some sleep.

Jeff also stands up and goes out. Emma comes to Dave in front of the door, says nothing, touches his face and Dave goes at that moment:

- They need me there.

Emma smiles with tears:

- You found your way. Go and do what you supposed to do.

Dave gets out and goes to car. And they get on the way.

Dave falls sleep on the way. Jeff drives. At Vegas Dave takes back the wheel and drives untill they arrive to LA...

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