Need to Talk

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Next Day

They pulled over with mom at the school, Emilie looks around and sees no familiar faces yet. Walks it to first class, checks out the parking lot and sees that Daves car is already there. Takes a deep breath and keeps walking. Sees Dave and Jamie are standing there in front of class door. Approaches them and says without any gesture:

- Good morning:

Jamie with excited tone:

- Goodies honey, how are you?

Emilie does not even look to Dave and she says:

- Fine-ish, how about you guys?

Dave says:

- We are also kinda good-ish.

Emilie looks to Dave with a tiny smile now and says:

- I'll be at the assembly hall after about 15 minutes. We need to talk.

Dave says:

- Ok...

Jamie goes:

- Damn guys, you are together for just about three days and you already have a mess?

Emilie goes:

- Chill girl, there is not any mess and we are not together yet, or enough, orrr... I dont know!!!

Dave got upset with that but says nothing, Jamie goes:

- Ah shit! Things are going to get so complicated I thing.

Break bell rings, Dave says nothing and goes away, and girls are also getting in class...

After about 15 minutes Emilie goes out, walks it to assembly hall with an expectation to hear some melodies, hears nothing, gets in and hears just some separate quiet notes. Sees there Dave in the dark, at first she was afraid to come in she almost turned back but at that moment she saw switch box there, she found 'stage' one and turned it on. Lights above the stage turned on. Dave had not even starteled, just looked up to the lights. He turns back sees Emilie there slowly walking to his side, and he says:

- There you go.

Emilie gets up to stage from other side, approaches the piano from other side and leans by looking to Dave. And says:

- So?...

Dave goes with confused tone:

- What? I have nothing to talk but probably you have a lot to talk according to what you said an to your behaviour. Cause look at you: You didn't even sit next to me. So all my attention is yours.

Emilie goes:

- I didn't sit next to you, cause I wanted to talk while I look at your face.

Dave says "ah, ok", stands up and approaches her, gets next to her also leans to piano with his left elbow and says:

- Go on!

With Daves move Emilie smiled a little bit and she goes:

- Look... Everything that happened.... Just everything happened so fast and so suddenly. So we better keep it down a little bit. I dont want to hurt you or make you confused by anyway, because of this we dont have to go this fast. Everything has its time to happen.

Dave got so confused actually but her words souded so familliar to him. But he goes with a smile:

- You are right, I know I'm telling this a lot, but however you want and whenewer you want.

Emilie smiles but also about to cry. Dave noticed that, gently touches her face, Emilie tries to resist but cant. Dave also says:

- Dont know what is going on, and Im not gonna force you to tell me, but theres noting that cant be solved, and I'm ready to wait.

Now Emilie finely cant hold her tears. Dave sees that and starts to vipe her tears by his thumbs, and he pulls her from her waist to hug. Emilie does not resist. And after about ten seconds break bell rings, Emilie startles, pushes herself back from Dave but Dave does not let her go away, with his left hand on her waist and right hand on her face he look to her eyes, and says:

- You need this, I need this, we need this.

And after those words he was about to give her a tiny kiss but when their lips got touched after about 3-4 seconds Emilie finely started to cry and hugged Dave over his shoulders with both her arms. After about 15 seconds Emilie stopped and pushed him away by saying "What the f*ck I'm doing", and she just ran back to class by leaving Dave there.

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