Yours Until the Death

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Next Day

At the night Dave had not been at home. In the morning he also had not showed up at the church during Emilies funeral. Emma starts to worrie about him but non of them can reach him by anyway, cause his phone is closed.

Dave arrives to cemetery with the same last nights suit. Everyone wears black but he is still with white shirt and red tie. Because there still was the smell of Emilies parfume on his shirt. Jamie came to him, looked at his sleepy eyes and noticed he hasn't got any sleep last night, so she asks:

- Dude are you ok?

Dave says nothing, so Jamie goes:

- Got it. Just wanted to tell you that social media is blowing up right now. All news, magazines, and influencers are talking about you. Because of your phone is closed Henry even called me. Just wanted to let you know.

Dave still says nothing. Jamie steps back. And at that moment they started to dropping the coffin into the grave. After the ceremony is over Rose approches Dave, looks at him with mercyfull look and says:

- Thank you again son. Thank you for letting me see my girl happy again at her last moments. Thank you that you made her live her last moments happy. And dont be like this. Life goes on. You are too young for now, you have to keep up. She would be always with us, dont let her soul be sad.

Dave also says nothing but he looks down this time and tries to avoid to make any eye contact with her. Rose hugs him and says:

- You still smell like her.

After her phraze Dave also hugs her. Then he looks to her mom. Emma quickly approaches him and asks:

- Honey where were you? Are you ok?

Dave looks to grave says nothing for a while, then he barelly says:

- I have to go.

Then he gets in his car and drives away. On the road he suddenly notices a purse under passenger seat when sun reflected on that. He pulls over, takes that purse and looks inside, sees there her phone, a wallet, and a photograph. He looks and sees that photo is their unaware shot that Trevor took. Looks to back of the photo and sees a print of a kiss and a short note "yours until death". He looks out after that, puts the photo in his sun visor, and drives to Roses house.

He arrives and knocks the door. Rose opens the door, he gives her the purse, nods and gets back to his car and drives away.

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