New History

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Next (Studio) Day

Everybody meet at the studio. Henry was waiting for them at the entrance. And Henry says to Chris:

- Well, last time you were here for an album was 4 years ago.

Chris got a bit emotional and says:

- Yea dude. New name, new songs, new fuckin journey. (Takes a deep breath) Lets get in and make another history.

And they all get in. Inside they meet the soundmaster Mike. When Mike sees them goes with excited tone:

- Outcast Overture!

Chris goes while shakin his hand and hugging:

- Not anymore dude. It's Internal Combustion now.

Mike goes:

- Wow, mysterious. I feel that a whole interview is about to come up about the story of the name.

Chris laugs goes:

- Good luck Dave.(Dave got confused by that) where is white board.

Chris sees that, goes and drows a recording plan. He writes name of songs vertically, and channels horizontally(Drums, Bass, Acoustics, Rhytm Guitars, Lead Guitars, Solos, Back Vocals, Lead Vocals) and says:

- It's been a long time since I did this.

Dave know what is that but still asks:

- What is that?

Chris goes:

- This my friend is an old tradition.(Looks to Sally) Sally, get in for soundcheck.

Mike says:

- I tuned everything up dude.

Chris goes:

- You tuned that for Duncan, the drum sound is going to be harder this time.

Mike says:

- Wow, sounds exciting.

Sally gets in plays some freestyle stuff then tunes the kick drum to sound harder. Then they are having a mick and sound tuning with Mike for about 10 minutes. After last freestyle Saly shows a thumb up to guys. Chris goes to fridge, takes a beer and says to Dave:

- Grab and plug the guitar, then play Ready to Explode.

Dave goes:

- Dont we record drums first?

Chris laughs and goes:

- Yea, but you have to play her guitar parts at least for better focusing.

And they start recording. With every record they make Chris draws a cross to another box on recording plan.

They spend about 6 hours there and they done 3 and half songs. After Chris draw one last cross he says:

- I think it's enaugh for today.

Mike goes:

- Dude I heard just three songs of the album but even these slap hard.

When they were about to leave Dave says:

- Can I stay here for a bit more, have couple new ideas and want to record.

Mike looks to Henry and Henry goes:

- Let him. In the morning we can hear something what slaps harder.

Dave smiles and Mike throws him some keys and says:

- Ok dude, dont forget to turn of the lights when you will leave.

Dave got the keys and nodded.

After that Sally also says:

- Can I stay with you a bit more too?

Dave says:

- Actually wanted to stay alone a little bit..

Chris says:

- Girl, lets leave the kid alone for now.

Sally says:

- Ok dude, whatever.

They leave and Dave stays there with all that equipment. He looks around, stands up from couch, goes to fridge, cracks a beer, looks to recording plan and thinks to himself "Lets make this thing a bit quicker than how it supposed to be". And starts to record all instruments for undone songs.

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