Catch Me If You Can

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Two Days Later
( Saturday )

Emilie wakes up with a message notification from Dave:

- Good morning.

Emilie smiles and gets up and also texts:

- Good morning.

Dave texts back immediately:

- At what time would you like to let me pick you up?

Emilie takes a deep breath and says

- Noon?

Dave texts:

- Will be there.

Emilie gets off the bed, takes a shower and walks down to hall. Sees mom in the kitchen and says:

- Good morning.

Rose also says:

- Good morning honey.

Emilie asks:

- Why are you still here? Are you late?

Rose goes:

- I have a lot of paperwork today that I need to prepeare for monday, so I'm going to be in my room whole day? So have any plans with friends for today?

Emilie goes:

- Yea, Jamie and Dave asked me to go to ice skating again. And if you are also ok with that.

Rose goes:

- Do you feel ok?

Emilie says:

- Yea... kinda...

Rose goes

- Ok then, have fun. But this time come home.

Emilie laughs and says:

- Ok.

She looks at her mom while she eats her pancake. Rose is checking news on tablet and Emilie asks:

- Can I eat at the hall while watching cartoons?

Rose smiles and says:

- You are not gonna grow up right? (Emilie laughs sortly) Ok, go on.

Emilie takes her plate and goes to Hall.

She spends about one and half hour there. After that she checks the time and sees that its almost noon.
She goes up to her room to dress up. When she was getting prepeared Dave texts:

- Will be there in 10 minutes.

When Emilie got ready and was scrolling down the instagram, she hears Daves exhaust but without crackles this time. Dave texts:

- I'm here.

Emilie texts:

- I know, I hear.

Dave says:

- How, I closed the exhaust valves.

Emilie smiles, takes her coat on, goes to her moms work room and says:

- Mom, I go out.

Rose with her papers looks at her and says:

- Have fun honey, but be carryful and dont be late.

Emilie goes, kisses her mom and says:

- Ok mom. Love you.

And she Gets out. First thing she says to Dave:

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