One More Time but One Last Time

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3 Month Later

After that incident, the video of Dave smashing the transmitter got viral in social media. But surprisingly most of people at the coments were supporting Dave. And popped up a huge hate to that host.

Sally noticed that after every concert Dave tried to act that he is ok but Sally knew that he felt so fucked up. Sally also feels guilty because she asked him first to record and release that song, and now she wants to figure this out by some way. They have a concert coming up. So one day she asks Henry to meet and they need to talk.

They hang up at a pub and Sally starts:

- We need to stop this shit by some way.

Henry goes:

- What shit?

Sally goes:

- The mess that is happening at end of every concert. I dont know for how long Dave can handle this.

Henry goes:

- What the hell you want me to do. Yell at audience "Shut the Fuck up!"?

Sally goes:

- I dont know, may be if we can convince him to perform that song at least for once everyone would be happy and stop make that mess at every concert.

Henry goes:

- Do you really think that we can make him do the thing that he desn't want?

Sally goes:

- I have an idea... We need some special guests who probably can convince him.

Concert Day

As Sally asked Henry convinced Alter Bridge and some members of Foo Fighters to join their concert for the final song with a lot of efforts, phone calls and connections. Of course Dave was so happy that they would join them cause they had a lot of fun when they broke in to their stages with Sally.

They have an awesome concert again as always. Dave sees the cardboards with "One More Time" requests again, but still ignores those. And when they are about to start last song of the night Chris announces the special guests:

- Thank you guys for joining us in our final concert of this tour. Damn! What a journey we had. And for the last song I want to invite some of our good friends (with high and excited voice) from Foo Fighters and Alter Bridge!!!

Dave Grohl comes out first Chris takes off his guitar hugs him and gives his guitart to him, then Chris Shiflett comes to stage with his guitar, they hit their fists with Dave and Shiflett goes to plug his guitar. And then Myles Kennedy just a microphone and Mark Tremonti with his guitar come out. They all hug each other. Sally sees that everybody are ready, she hits first 4 sticks and all of them start to play first chords of Ready to Explode. Chris sings first two lines and then points to Dave Grohl to take it. Then at the chorus also Myles kicks in and they do awesome harmonies all together. After second chorus they also extend the solo section and make a sollo battle between all of them... When song is over the crowd got so satisfied so Dave thought that may be they would not remember about that song again. But suddenly the noises crowd makes transforms to "One More Time" again. Dave just ignored that again. But then Henry comes to stage and says to Dave when he got down on his knees and was turning off his rig:

- Hey dude, how about doing this just for once and for the last time.

Dave looks at him and says no just by head movement.

At that moment Jeff comes, Dave got surprised, so Jeff goes:

- Hey buddy, let me tell you something. If you would keep doing this, they also would keep doing that. But if you perform that song at least for once, everybody would calm down. I know it would be hard for you, but just do this for once.

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