Helpful Nerd

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Next Day

At the corridor Emilie talks with Jamie. After a while Jamie goes to restrooms. When Emilie were standing there alone, she sees Dave walking at the corridor, stops in front of his box and starts to do some stuff. Emilie remembers what Jamie said about him "he is antisocial right until you come and say Hi". Takes a deep breath and walks to him, when she got next to him she takes a deep breath again and says:

- Emm, hi Dave.

Dave turns his face to her very quick, says "hi" then turns his head back and keeps doing his stuff.

Emilie asks:

- How are you doing, I see you are too busy.

Davie answers :

- Yea, I'm fine...ish, so do I know you?

Emilie got a bit embarrassed and thinks "what an egoist morron" then says:

- We met yesterday in canteen, I'm Jamies friend, new girl...

This time Dave turns his face to Emily and with a little guilty voice:

- Ah sorry, my bad. Yea you are new girl from Florida right?

Emilie smiles a bit:

- Yea, I am.

Davie asks:

- So how are you, how it's goin on over here.

Emilie says:

- Yea thanks, I started to getting used to here, I gues.

Dave says:

- That's fine, so did you have something to say to me or? Cause I gotta go.

Emilie says:

- Yea, I have some troubles on physics and chemistry and Jamie said that you are good at it and might help me on it, so if you would like to...

Dave interrups her:

- Yea sure, ask my phone number to Jamie and text me or call me tonight after school, I think we can plan something. I'll join you in some of your free time. See you.

Closes his box and runs to somewhere again. Emilie felt nice but disapointed aswell, she thinks to herself "Ah geeez, why dont you give your number by yourself?" She doesn't want to ask Jamie for Daves number, cause she knows that Jamie will make fun of her.

And Jamie comes back, Emilie says with a shy voice:

- I asked him for help, he told me to ask you for his number.

Jamie asks her while she corrects her make up but smiles a little bit, cause she knows about who Emilie is talking:

- About who are you talking girl? Whose number I have to give you?

Emily rolls her eyes and:

- Ah come on, you know about who I am talking.

Jamie smiles again:

- How the hell can I know till you tell me.

Emilie takes a deep breath and says:

- W.A.N.S.

Jamie laughs and:

- Well describe that babe.

Emilie smiles too this time:

- Weardest antisocial nerd in school.

Jamie with proud voice:

- Thats my girl, see? This what i was talkin about. He is a nice guy and always ready for help and, but dont mess with him...

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