Silence is Loudest Yes!

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Next Day

Next morning Emilie wakes up, grabs the phone with a hope, if Dave texted something, sees nothing, gets disapointed, scrolls some posts on instagram, and finely gets out of bed. Gets in bathroom brushes her teeth, washes her face, looks at herself on mirror and thinks to herself: " NO! Emilie, don't do it to yourself." Then takes a deep breath and looks to cosmeticks pack, does make up and says in front of the mirror "Shit!"

Jamie in school bus noticed that and asks with excited tone:

- Wow, so why is this?

Emilie asks:

- What?

Jamie asks again.

- Ah c-moan, you know that I mean why you diceded to be so hot today.

Emilie smiles a bit and says.

- Nothing, just in mood today.

Jamie smiles and says with calm voice:

- Ok girl, we will see it eventually.

Emilie laughs.

At school During the class Emily remembers about if Dave plays piano again, but also remembers about moms warning and rethinks about getting out. Waits till break bell.

Break bell rings. Every body are getting out. Jamie and Emilie are gettin next to window and Jamie asks:

- So, hottie, would you let me know the reason of this mood?

Emilie smiles:

- I told you, such a regular day, but im keeping it up, geting used to here.

At that moment Dave shows up and says:

- Hey girls, what's up?

Emilie smiles and says :

- Hey Dave, nothing special, stabil, how about you?

Jamie with curious voice asks Dave:

- So Dave, would you like to let me know, would you do this very ofthen now. Cause its so strange.

Dave says:

- Oh stop it, I wanted to ask Emilie if she still wants to go out after school to hear the answer of her question, so if you wanna you can go with us too Jamie.

Jamie laughs and says:

- I better let you be alone guys, and I have things to do after school, but can I ask what was Emilies question.

At that point Emilie says with worried voice:

- It's private!

Davie smiles:

- Actually, you know the answer Jamie. I'll let you know soon maybe. Emilie thinks that this is the thing that would make her shy, but she will figure out that she don't have to.

Jamie smiles again:

- Ok ok guys, have fun on your first date.

Emilie yells:

- It's not a date!

Jamie says :

- Whatever you say girl.(and gets in class)

And after that Dave asks Emilie:

- So do we go out today.

Emilie with shy feeling:

- So yea, sure, I'll let my mom know about it, and im all yours till 7pm.

Davie thinks a bit, smiles:

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