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Next Day

Emilie woke up before the alarm clock all sweaty. She gets out of bed, first thing she does is looking out of the window. She wants to see that car once again, and sees there only moms car. She got confused. Maybe that thing was also in her nightmare. She thinks "anyway" and gets in bath to take shower. After that she gets her cloths on and does make up. At that moment alarm clock rings, she turns it off and walks down to hall. Throws her back pack next to front door and gets in kitchen to turn coffee machine on. At that moment Rose also gets in and says with surprised voice:

- Good morning.

Emilie says:

- Good morning mom.

Rose asks:

- Honey, why did you wake up this early?

Emilie says:

- Well, I fell sleep early yesterday.

Rose goes:

- Ah yea.

Then she goes back to hall to open the news on tv. And then Rose says to Emilie from hall:

- Hey honey, shall we make it to school with your car?

Emilie slowly rises her head and thinks to herself "No way", walks it slowly to hall and asks:

- What do you mean?

Turns her head to garage door and sees red rear fender. Rose looks to her and goes:

- If you dont want, its Ok babe.

Thinks a little bit and then with a reckless voice:

- Ah we better make it with your car. Dont want to make attention.

Rose says:

- Ok honey.

Then Emilie walks back to kitchen by thinking "well that was not a nightmare". She thinks "ok, anyway" and keeps scrolling instagram. After a while she hears how news reporter says:

- And now we have horrifying news from Florida.(Emilie starts to listen more caryfully) Last night residents of Tampa witnessed a brutal conflict that happened between two or more narco cartels. According to our sources 8 members were killed during the mass shooting, and 3 of those, whose identification were detected, are american citizens whose names are "Marco Ramirez, Julio Martin Rivera and Carlos Juan Alvarez".

Emilies whole body got numb with that last name that reporter said, and she barely hears a scream of her mom from hall. She thinks "is this still a nightmare?" But no, at that moment coffee machine started to make noices and with that she still kept hearing the scream of her mother. She did not know what to do, she cant cry cause she is still confused "is this real". But everything is so real, and she doesn't want it to be real. She slowly walks to hall and she got shocked with what she saw. She sees her mom like this for the first time, she was shaking while screaming, she was sobbing so bad. After that she looks at tv and sees her fathers face on the screen. Emilie was also about to cry but she sees that her mother is in a much more worse condition. She tries to stay as strong as she can. She approaches and slowly sits next to her, puts her arm to her shoulder. Rose tries to stop but cant, they just hug each other. After a while Rose just stands up and goes to her room by saying nothing. Emilie turns of the Tv. And gets in kitchen to prepeare some breakfast. After she prepeared some omlette and french toast, she walks it to garage. Stands there a bit at doorsill, makes a step down to garage and walks around the car, touches front fender, then she gets in to passenger side, takes the top off, and starts to dreaming how her father drives her to Key-West. She dreams about how her hair are dancing with salty moist caribbean ocean wind, and how she leans to her fathers shoulder. Because she dreamed about this car just for to be able to have rides with her father when she was a little girl.

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