Reveal the Mystery

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Next Day

At school during the Physics class teacher asks students:

- Anybody would like to solve this question on blackboard?

Nobody puts their hand up, and suddenly Emilie puts her hand up carefully and says with shy voice:

- I think I would like to try...

Jamie gets surprised. And whispers:

- Are you serrious?

Emilie gets in front of blackboard and remembers what Davie explained her last night and solves the questions with all calculations. Teacher says:

- Ok thats correct, thank you Emilie.

Emilie gets back to her seat. bJamie whispers her with an excited tone:

- How the hell girl?

Emilie answers:

- W.A.N.S. did what he supposed to do.

Jamies eyes got bigger after that answer.

Break bell rings Emilie walks quickly out to the corridor, Jamie runs behind her and yells.

- Ayy! Stop! Wait for me. (They got out Emilie leans to windowsill and Jamie catches her) Tell me how the hell you guys hang out? I want to know every detail.

Emilie gets a bit mad and says:

- Why you got so excited? We just did my homeworks and he explained stuff I couldn't get. Nothing more.

Jamie says:

- And according to your performance at the blackboard, he has done an excellent job.

Emilie accepts:

- Yea girl, you are right, he is good at it. I couldn't even imagine that he will help me by some way, but I can say that, he really saved my ass.

Jamie with a proud voice:

- So, me aswell, ahahah.

Emilie smiles:

- Yea dude, thanks a lot.

At that moment Dave appears at the corridore, walks by looking to floor, doesn't put his head up, till the moment he got close to Emilie and Jamie, he puts his eyes up just for a second, and that second was enough to make an eye contact with Emilie. And Dave throws to her a tiny smile, Emily smiles to him too but doesn't aware of it. Jamie catches her, pocks her shoulder and says:

- You guys are close friends now, as I can see.

Emilie says:

- Stop it!

At that moment Dave stayed next to them now and asks:

- Hey Emilie, hey Jamie, how are you doing?

Emilie gets excited instantly and says:

- Oh, hey Dave, I'm fine, so how about you?

Jamie gets curious and asks:

- So Dave, emmm, what the helll?

Dave gets surprised:

- Em, what?

Jamie says:

- So actually, you don't talk to anybody if somebody talks to you, so are you ok?

Dave smiles:

- Ah shut the F.U. Jamie. I knew that you guys have physics today so wanted to ask Emilie, if she figured out themes, so..

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